Evaluation of Programmes Targeting Higher Education Károly Mike Hétfa Research Institute 30 April 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Evaluation of Programmes Targeting Higher Education Károly Mike Hétfa Research Institute 30 April 2013

Questions of the Evaluation 1.Has Hungarian higher education progressed thanks to EU funds between ? 2.What factors affected the efficiency of development programmes? 3.What recommendations can be made for the period?

Methods of the Evaluation 1.Databases – data analysis SMIS (Standardised Monitoring Information System) – database Public access databases Data sets of institutional development plans 2.Document analysis 3.Expert interviews 4.10 institutional case studies with the collaboration of Revita Foundation

Amount and allocation of development funds Between 2007 and August 2012 HUF 250 billion for institutions of higher education (IHEs) Out of this, HUF billion for higher education interventions (SROP 4, SIOP CHOP 4.2.1) HUF 3-4 million absorption per IHE per day; HUF 10 million by the largest IHEs Distribution of EU fundsDistribution of EU funds for received by IHEs higher education recieved by IHEs

Spontaneous result of the grant system: restructuring of the capacities Large universities outside Budapest: How much can a small country finance? Small „development institutions” – management, importance of the development approach, but: is this capacity necessary on the regional level? EU funding targeting higher education per capita (students) in forints (as of 17th August 2012., from SMIS data) Amount and allocation of development funds

Connection between development funding and institutional performance X-axis: amount of SROP 4., SIOP 1.3, ROP, and EDOP funds per number of teachers Y-axis: change in income of the institutions from R+D+I activities (blue) and from international grants ( ) Relationship between funds and R+D+I income

Main results of the developments Renewal of infrastructure (buildings, equipment) in the convergence regions The strengthening of universities as institutions: management support systems, strategic planning approach, cooperation within institutions At places with already existing R+D cooperation, the assets acquisitions strengthened the industrial service capacities Retaining of young researchers, at least temporarily

Factors affecting the efficiency of developments Institutional factors affecting the behavior of (1) the sponsor and (2) the beneficiaries 1.Sponsor’s side: the grant scheme of development policy Project financing: Infrastructure vs. Raising the quality of education or research Grant competition: Territorial coordination is weak Too heavy burden on development policy (e.g. ‘research university’ grant scheme)

2. The beneficiaries’ side: Environmental factors: – Strong cooperation with employers and/or – International scientific embeddedness of professors Internal institutional factors – „business-like” operation at institutions of smaller size and narrow profile: Strong central control, centralized management setting clear priorities – „republic-like” operation at larger institutions with a broader profile: Transparent, well organized coordination between larger units (faculties) Creation of internal competition Stronger lower-level (faculty) management Factors affecting the efficiency of developments

Recommendations for the period The logic of planning needs to be reversed – We have spent on what ESF and ERDF funds were available for – Let us reverse this! First, a comprehensive system of higher education development should be devised Second, where it is possible, we should include EU resources Third, we should finance the gaps from national funds. A unified higher education strategy is needed which would provide a firm framework for EU funded programmes. – Long-term (15-20 year) goals – Medium-term goals for – Performance contracting with the IHEs Largest share of core operation on per capita, input basis Priority development areas financed on the basis of performance commitments Subordination of EU funding under these. Includabilty of indicators and minimum level of expectations into contracts

Differentiate the expectations as well as the methods of governance! Regional knowledge center Internationally competitive university Primary effect range RegionalNational, European Main expectationSupplying the labour market and applied research demands Excellence by scientific standards. Competitiveness in attracting students on European level CoordinationCommitment (having a say, risking own funds) of regional actors (municipalities, chambers, corporations) Institutions organising international scientific life: publications, scientific networks. Opening of the labour market for lecturers. Development resources EU: economic development, regional competitiveness EU: without core research, there is no innovation potential(?) National resources (to take basic research to a higher level)! Recommendations for the period

Innovation activity of higher education – We should be realistic Silicon-valley vs. existing IHE-business cooperation: – The primary focus is educational cooperation – Concrete corporate demands – Research based innovation only comes after these Investments has to be guided through the innovation chain – The supply of core research at the start and servicing concrete company demands at the end are working, yet between the two the support of experimental and industrial development is not resolved: Relatively more funds for experimental design Development of knowledge- and innovation management Acknowledgement of financial risks Recommendations for the period

Thank you for your attention! Hétfa Research Institute H-1051 Budapest Október 6. utca 19.