Presented by Francis Kuria
Built on the three main pillars The global connection with Religions for Peace, drawing on its methods and approaches The faith communities in Africa united in the diversity and solid foundation of faith Embedded in the national councils as the feet firmly entrenched on the ground
ACRL draws vital structural lessons – the basic architecture of interfaith ACRL through this alliance has a voice in the UN system and global movements– e.g. with UNICEF and UNDP, ICAN among others ACRL is able to resource its actions through this connection – HACI example, NORAD etc Toolkits and methods – Finance manuals, HIV Toolkits, SALW, Model IRC Constitution Engagement with international campaigns International learning – IRCK has been able to share its Faith for Life model with IRC - Myanmar
The major religious communities in Africa need to interact to address issues of common concerns Many issues affecting parts of the continent are contiguous across national boundaries ◦ Karamoja Cluster has conflicts between communities in Kenya, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda. Solving in one country will have no impact Development dialogue in international forums requires pan-African voices e.g. Post-2015 Development Agenda, Jubilee Debt Campaign etc In some instances, external voices needed to strengthen local action e.g. CAR, Burundi, South Sudan Engagement with Africa Union and sub-regional bodies e.g. in East Africa we are building the IRC-EA to engage with the East Africa Community
Youth re - engagement to fight HIV/AIDS Ban Nuclear Weapons Campaign in Kenya Civil Society Forum and the Vienna Conference on the humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons Peace March, Media campaign and tree planting Psychosocial Conflict Analysis Tool Kit Youth Peace Forum Seeds of Faith Youth in Action Conference Youth Mark the World AIDS day
Dissemination of our Institutional Strengthening Process Revival of several IRC that are tottering or inactive especially in Ghana, Botswana and Rwanda Establish sub-regional networks in West, Central and Southern Africa as institutional strengthening hubs Build the Union of Islamic Councils of Africa to have more effective dialogue between Christian and Muslims in Africa Strengthen the Africa Women of Faith Network
National councils and their leaders have primary mandate to deal with national issues National councils create the institutional mechanisms that have knowledge of local contexts National councils have connections with governments and local communities to deal with issues sustainably National councils have mandate to build the capacity of the religious leaders to take concrete action National council have the authority to create local interfaith dialogue mechanisms that transform local narratives in peace, reconciliation and development
Thank you