D RIVING GENDER - SENSITIVE POLICY AND LEGAL CHANGE IN S IERRA L EONE : A L EGISLATION A SSESSMENT T OOL The Gender and Land Rights Database Project The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington D.C, USA March 2015
The Gender and Land Rights Database In a nutshell… Gender and Land Rights Database LAT| PRESENTATION Photo credit: ©FAO/Yasuyoshi Chiba
Overview of the GLRD Gender and Land Rights Database LAT| PRESENTATION Launched in February 2010 Partners FAOLEX The Land Portal Landesa and Landwise The International Land Coalition The World Bank and the Women, Business and the Law Project International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) 84 regularly-updated country profiles Gender and land-related statistics A Legislation Assessment Tool for gender-equitable land tenure (LAT) Identify the major political, legal and cultural factors that influence gender-equitable land tenure Highlight gender disparities in land tenure Provide gender and land-related statistics Support the integration of international standards and best practices into national policy and legal frameworks Support the realisation of gender-equitable land tenure / Objectives Content
The Legislation Assessment Tool for gender-equitable land tenure The Legislation Assessment Tool LAT| PRESENTATION Photo credit: ©FAO/H.Wagner
To what extent does the legal framework foster gender- equitable land tenure? A tool to facilitate the implementation of the VGGT and the Technical Guide on Gender Targeting concrete areas for improvement by identifying: – Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the legal framework – The progress made towards gender equity in the legal framework – Areas where legal reform is needed The Legislation Assessment Tool LAT| PRESENTATION Help visualise the legal intricacies surrounding men and women’s access to land: Through clusters of key legal elements Through indicators that analyse the articulation – when applicable – between: – statutory law and customary norms – statutory law and religious norms
The Legislation Assessment Tool LAT| PRESENTATION RationaleScore Absence of the indicator in the legal framework0 A policy is being negotiated1 A policy is in place1.5 A draft legislation is to be submitted for deliberations2 The indicator is integrated in primary law3 The indicator appears in multiple legal instruments4 Not applicableN/A
VGGT implementation project in Sierra Leone Legal Framework Assessment Component Use of the LAT VGGT Implementation Project LAT| PRESENTATION
VGGT Principles LAT| PRESENTATION 5 general principles of responsible tenure governance 1.The legal recognition and allocation of tenure rights; 2.The protection of tenure rights against threats and infringements; 3.The promotion and facilitation of the enjoyment of legitimate tenure rights; 4.Access to justice; and 5.The prevention of disputes, conflicts and corruption. 10 Principles of implementation 1. Human dignity6. Consultation and participation 2. Non-discrimination7. Rule of law 3. Equity and justice8. Transparency 4. Gender equality9. Accountability 5. Holistic and sustainable approach 10. Continuous improvement
2 sets of indicators: Initial set of 30 LAT indicators on human rights A second set of VGGT indicators Reflect 5 guiding principles and the 10 principles of implementation Reflect Sierra Leones’s country priorities: Land administration Investments Access to justice and dispute resolution Purpose: Perform a comprehensive assessment of the situation of land tenure from a gender perspective The Legislation Assessment Tool LAT| PRESENTATION Adaptation of the LAT Assessment to Sierra Leone’s needs for Gender-Equitable Governance of land Tenure
1 national legal expert for the land sector Technical assistance from FAO headquarters Carried out the assessment against the two sets LAT indicators Identification of the gaps with the VGGT The Legislation Assessment Tool LAT| PRESENTATION Building the National Team and Implementation of the LAT Assessment
The Legislation Assessment Tool LAT| PRESENTATION Results from the LAT: Compatibility Assessment between the draft National Land Policy and the VGGT
The Legislation Assessment Tool LAT| PRESENTATION Results from the LAT: Compatibility Assessment between the draft National Land Policy and the VGGT
The Legislation Assessment Tool LAT| PRESENTATION Results from the LAT: Compatibility Assessment between the draft National Land Policy and the VGGT
The Legislation Assessment Tool LAT| PRESENTATION Results from the LAT: Compatibility Assessment between the draft National Land Policy and the VGGT
The Legislation Assessment Tool LAT| PRESENTATION Results from the LAT: Compatibility Assessment between the draft National Land Policy and the VGGT
Targeted Recommendations from the LAT VGGT Assessment Strengthening gender equality in tenure rights Strengthening the right to participate and be consulted Encouraging responsible investments The Legislation Assessment Tool LAT| PRESENTATION
Next steps Validation National expert consultation Implementation and monitoring Multi-stakeholder platform VGGT Implementation Project LAT| PRESENTATION
The Gender and Land Rights Database LAT| PRESENTATION Thank you! Ana Paula De la O Campos Naomi Kenney