Mission Middle College Presentation to: West Valley Mission College School Board Tuesday, June 21, 2011 Presentation to: West Valley Mission College School Board Tuesday, June 21, 2011 Sara Hayden SmithJennifer Lang-Jolliff
To lower attrition rate to 10% Graduate All Seniors Target certain colleges and universities Attain 4 year college/university acceptance Program Goals for Middle College 2011 Earn a total of $500, in scholarship Graduate Al Seniors 5
2011Middle College Demographics : Total: 49 Juniors: 28 Seniors: 21 2 students graduated early : Total: 53 Juniors: 28 Seniors: 25
2011 Attrition Rates: 49 Students 7 Dismissed (1 Senior, 6 Juniors) Attrition Rate of 14% Retention Rate of 86%
2011 Associates Degrees: Six Students from the program were awarded an A.A./A.S. Degree: Christina Ayson Vanessa Selimovic Laetitia Meyreuix Moath Othman Shayna Jones Ariel Muirhead
2011 College Overview: Guiding Assumptions: –All students must apply to a minimum of 7 schools. –All students must apply to every college that offers them a free application. –All students must apply for a minimum of 30 scholarships and provide proof thereof. –UC’s and CSU’s are not actively pursued due to tuition volatility and a lack of meaningful tuition assistance and financial aid. –Students are actively pushed towards Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) Schools and out of state private universities.
Albequerque 10 Applications 10 Acceptances Oakland 8 Applications 4 Acceptances Philadelphia 6 Applications 4 Acceptances Tennessee 5 Applications 4 Acceptances University Of New Mexico Mills College St. John’s University Drexel *21 Seniors applied for 72 unique colleges/universities. The most popular colleges/universities with the class of 2011: Fisk University New York 6 Applications 2 Acceptances
2011 College Acceptances: The senior class was accepted to 42 different colleges/universities. The Class of 2011 has 100% post-secondary plans of attending a college or university in the fall of Third year with 100% post-secondary plan. 4 students were accepted into the “Honor College” at their potential school: –Adelphi University –Marist College –St. Mary’s College –Hofstra University
2011 Merit Award Totals Total Offered Merit Award for 21 seniors Class of 2011: $4,206, Christian Ayson $835,164 Laetitia Meyreuix $645,216 Shayna Jones $410,172
Middle College Fall Goals 2011 Address Achievement Gap- 40% incoming Juniors are testing in the 900 level for Math and English College Visitations: Seniors: Fall fieldtrips to local colleges Juniors: Class Visits of colleges and guest speakers. Technology- Increase usage in assistive teaching devices- Papershow Increase communication with parents- quarterly newsletter and coffee meetings. Continue College Prep. Meetings with parents. Fall 2011 Benchmarks:
Enduring Understanding The need for equity within education Pursue the idea of “Best Practices” “Working but could work better” Barth The need for creating common language between colleges and secondary level of education
Mission Middle College Program