By: Olivia Krause EDTC 602-Spring 2006 Parts of a Plant
Plants are living things. They grow and change over time.
Plants need 3 basic things to live. 1.Water 3. Air 2.Sunlight
Plants have 4 basic parts. Flowers Leaves Stems Roots
Plant Parts: Roots Roots help hold the plant in place. Roots take in water from the ground and bring it to the stems.
We eat some roots like carrots, potatoes, turnips, and onions!
Plant Parts: Stem The stem holds a plant up. A stem can be stiff or flexible. Stems bring water and food to the leaves.
Some stems we eat are celery, chives, and asparagus.
Plant Part: Leaves Leaves make food for the plant and provide shade for the stem.
Lettuce, cabbage and spinach are leaves we eat!
Plant Parts: Flowers Flowers make the seeds of a plant. Flowers provide pollen to insects. Some flowers help to make fruit for the plant.
Flowers: Can we eat these? Some flowers are edible. (Edible means we can eat them!) Cornflower Anise Impatients Lemon Flower
Plants have many purposes in our life. We use them for food and beauty. All of their parts provide things to help the plant and people grow and change.
Bibliography Jones, R. (2003). Harcourt science. 1st ed. Orlando, FL: Harcourt School Publisher, Inc.. (Jones, 2003) (n.d.). Retrieved Mar. 7, 2006, from Microsoft Office Online Web site: x?lc=en-us. x?lc=en-us Picture: cornflower: namic/offsite.htm?site=
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