+ Rising Seniors Workshop: Class of 2011 Who am I and where am I going??? What was your perfect day like… Tell us about yourself… What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? What three books did you enjoy the most?
+ Counselors Your best resources MSJHS Counselors and the MSJHS website DeAnne Andrews A – I Merri Blum J - P Amy Drolette Q – Z MSJHS Career Center Specialist Janet Aldinger MSJHS Transcript Secretary Jean Faust
+ Self-Reflection: MSJHS Senior Profile Get started on your senior profile MSJHS website under Counselors IF you are thinking about… Private Universities or Colleges Or you are up for a National Merit Scholarship …THEN consider approaching a teacher ASAP
+ What is the BEST way to de-stress college admissions? Time to…Reflect on who you are Senior Profile Time to…Research schools College Prowler College site Time to…Form your own opinion Take the summer to look at essay topics and visit schools
+ College Visits & On-line Tours Check out academic departments you may be interested in Sit in on classes speak w/ department heads Talk to professors Walk around the college town Talk to students on campus !!ASK QUESTIONS!!
+ Parents: this is your opportunity Make a list of what you are looking for in a college… …have a heart-to-heart talk with your parents and make plans to VISIT colleges on your list! PARENTS: 1. Pick a neutral spot and LISTEN 2. $ Talk about finances $ and ask them to make good choices after they research --- SUPPORT VISITS 1) Let them map it out, find hotels and make school arrangements 3. Let them go by themselves as much as you can – places to go together: financial aid office and the college tour 4. Don’t let them know that you got there first, that you know more, and that you write better than they do
+ Make the school fit you, not you fit the college. - Ashwin Khurana ‘10
+ What gets done in Summer… won’t complicate senior year Fall is all about classes, friends, making final college application decisions, writing THANK YOU LETTERS and making deadlines Keep your eyes on what’s REALLY important, it’s your last year at Mission … …Homecoming, sports, friends, teachers and a strong finish!
+ Living in California Furlough Days and UC Applications National Merit Applications due the 1 st – 3 rd week in September Private School Parent Workshop September 10 College Admission Parent Night September 24 th Early Decision Apps are due October 1 Early Action VS Early Decision (check out the MSJHS Counselor Presentations – THEY ROCK!) Private School Applications are due October 15 Reach Schools and “Safeties” There are no safety schools, just schools you’d love to go to that you are reasonably confident will accept you (check the stats!)
+ Septembers here…now what? Check your dates and the school timeline on the MSJHS site Make sure you and your parents understand and appreciate the Mutually Agreed upon PLAN… What can you talk about and when, to edit or not to edit? How parents stress us out and make essays worse…or not Look for visiting colleges and college fairs on-line at the Career Center Register for tests if you need them for college applications Check out the Common Application and UC applications Check with the school and teachers regarding Senior Profile and recommendations – remember that talk with your teachers last Spring?
+ PUSHING THE BUTTON Have FAITH, you did your best & your parents love you and are willing to let you live at home for the next 50 years matching your socks and cooking you breakfast There is a college out there for each person in here! Why Students and their Parents should NOT feel obligated to say where they applied to school Why you should feel great about all the work you did and push the button at least 2 days before the server goes down
+ December and January Save all your year end papers for filing taxes and estimating your return File FAFSA You need your estimated taxes to file FAFSA Take this opportunity to educate your child on taxes and finances, being financially independent is key to being an adult
+ April is the Cruelest Month A word about rejection and if it feels better when you … … see it coming …when it lets you find success somewhere perfect for you …have never met the people reading your application NO. PARENTS --- April is why you made the muffins, gave very little advice, told them they were doing a great job, joked with them and let them do this by themselves. Being” right” is overrated. Being a parent isn’t. You did a great job, let it go.
+ VISIT your schools and make a choice This is a tough decision Go with your gut, or with your head…or BOTH DON’T listen to your friends DO listen to yourself Keep up your grades, go to school social functions, thank your teachers, counselors, coaches and administrators Thank your parents