WELCOME Seniors Best Class On Campus
AREAS COVERED: Attendance And Tardies Attendance And Tardies Comfort And Enjoying DBHS Comfort And Enjoying DBHS Support And Direction Support And Direction Behavior And Following Directions Behavior And Following Directions Schedule Changes Schedule Changes Attendance Handout Attendance Handout
ATTENDANCE AND TARDIES Clearing Full Day Absences Clearing Full Day Absences First Period Absences First Period Absences Arriving Late and Leaving Early Arriving Late and Leaving Early Tardies Tardies Tardy Sweeps Tardy Sweeps Limited Day Sticker-Show ID Daily Limited Day Sticker-Show ID Daily
CLEARING FULL DAY ABSENCES If you are going to be absent have parents call attendance office the day of the absence. If you are going to be absent have parents call attendance office the day of the absence. If NOT cleared within three days, absence turns into truancy (full-day cutting)… hour missed=hour owed If NOT cleared within three days, absence turns into truancy (full-day cutting)… hour missed=hour owed Notes will be accepted but the office prefers a phone call. Notes will be accepted but the office prefers a phone call. If you are ever out of class without an excuse, you’ll have to make the hour up in detention or SWAP. If you are ever out of class without an excuse, you’ll have to make the hour up in detention or SWAP.
FIRST PERIOD ABSENCES We can’t accept transportation, baby-sitting, or “I didn’t wake up on time” as an excused absence. We can’t accept transportation, baby-sitting, or “I didn’t wake up on time” as an excused absence. The consequence for a first period unexcused absence will result in a detention, or one hour for each period missed. The consequence for a first period unexcused absence will result in a detention, or one hour for each period missed. Be CAREFUL, when you accumulate unexcused absences, you may be suspended and referred to district office. Be CAREFUL, when you accumulate unexcused absences, you may be suspended and referred to district office.
ARRIVING LATE AND LEAVING EARLY Sign in at the attendance office when arriving late or leaving early. Sign in at the attendance office when arriving late or leaving early. Failure to follow these directions may result in a detention. Failure to follow these directions may result in a detention.
TARDIES No excused tardies No excused tardies Three free tardies to class per semester Three free tardies to class per semester Free tardies are emergency tardies Free tardies are emergency tardies On the 4th tardy, consequences begin On the 4th tardy, consequences begin On the 9th, and subsequent tardies, you will be suspended. On the 9th, and subsequent tardies, you will be suspended.
TARDY CONSEQUENCES PER PERIOD TARDY NUMBERCONSEQUENCES 1-3Teacher may apply consequences 4-6Detentions 7 & 8SWAPS 9Suspension 10Suspended Off Campus
TARDY SWEEPS Unannounced Unannounced You must have both a HALL PASS and TEACHER’S PERMISSION when walking outside of class after the bell rings. You must have both a HALL PASS and TEACHER’S PERMISSION when walking outside of class after the bell rings. If you are caught outside your class without a pass, even though your teacher has given you permission, you will get a detention. If you are caught outside your class without a pass, even though your teacher has given you permission, you will get a detention. PE classes must be inside the locker room to be safe from the tardy sweep. PE classes must be inside the locker room to be safe from the tardy sweep.
41 ACRES AND 3200 STUDENTS Your Right To Be Comfortable Your Right To Be Comfortable Conflict With Another Student Conflict With Another Student Get Involved Get Involved Safety and Security Safety and Security
ARE YOU COMFORTABLE? Each student has a right to be comfortable and respected. Each student has a right to be comfortable and respected. If someone makes you uncomfortable, please let your GLC know. If someone makes you uncomfortable, please let your GLC know.
IF YOU HAVE AN EMOTIONAL ARGUMENT WITH ANOTHER STUDENT Don’t bring in a third party. Don’t bring in a third party. Don’t approach another student with a group of your friends. Don’t approach another student with a group of your friends. Don’t bring non-dbhs students to campus. Don’t bring non-dbhs students to campus. Find a peaceful solution if you want to stay at DBHS. Find a peaceful solution if you want to stay at DBHS. Use the peer counselors. Use the peer counselors. Let your GLC know. Let your GLC know.
GET INVOLVED Have fun – colleges want involved, passionate, leaders. Have fun – colleges want involved, passionate, leaders. Handbook or dbhs.org – great resources for clubs, organizations, and athletic teams Handbook or dbhs.org – great resources for clubs, organizations, and athletic teams Clubs – information & sign-ups during weeks 3 and 4. Clubs – information & sign-ups during weeks 3 and 4.
SAFETY AND SECURITY Book Lockers – don’t give out your combination. Book Lockers – don’t give out your combination. Don’t have a locker?…see Mr. Gossett (front office) Don’t have a locker?…see Mr. Gossett (front office) PE Lockers – close your locker and test lock. PE Lockers – close your locker and test lock. Book Bags – don’t leave them unattended. Book Bags – don’t leave them unattended.
SUPPORT AND DIRECTION The GLC Role The GLC Role Tutoring Tutoring Contacting Your GLC Contacting Your GLC DBHS.ORG DBHS.ORG
ROLE OF THE GLC? Parent On Campus Parent On Campus First Person For You and Parent To Contact First Person For You and Parent To Contact See Your GLC If you Need Help Or You Are Having A Problem. Notes in Office, Mailbox, or See Secretary in office See Your GLC If you Need Help Or You Are Having A Problem. Notes in Office, Mailbox, or See Secretary in office
TUTORING First Talk To Your Teacher First Talk To Your Teacher Math Tutoring Math Tutoring CSF - Peer Tutoring (after School) Room 232 CSF - Peer Tutoring (after School) Room 232 Tutoring For A Fee Tutoring For A Fee
WHERE IS MY GLC? Offices: Mr. Patterson is located inside the “C” building on the lower level near the bottom of the double stairs and near rooms 129 & 132. Mr. Galeener can be found in the “B” building next to Room 207 above Woodshop. Offices: Mr. Patterson is located inside the “C” building on the lower level near the bottom of the double stairs and near rooms 129 & 132. Mr. Galeener can be found in the “B” building next to Room 207 above Woodshop. Lunch and Brunch-GLCs are always out on campus on duty. This is a great time to stop and talk!! Lunch and Brunch-GLCs are always out on campus on duty. This is a great time to stop and talk!! KP-FLOATER JG-Bridge USB BRIDGE KP-FLOATER JG-Bridge USB BRIDGE You can always leave a note in our front office mailboxes You can always leave a note in our front office mailboxes
Click on GUIDANCE Click on GUIDANCE College Search Information College Search Information Career Information Career Information GLC Presentation Notes GLC Presentation Notes DBHS Information DBHS Information
BEHAVIOR AND FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS Cell Phones And IPods, earpieces. Power DOWN Cell Phones And IPods, earpieces. Power DOWN Dress Code Dress Code Cheating Cheating Sequential Discipline Sequential Discipline Other Rules Other Rules
ELECTRONIC GOODIES Cell Phones Are To Be Powered OFF. They May Only Be Used During Brunch & Cell Phones Are To Be Powered OFF. They May Only Be Used During Brunch & Lunch-Never in Classroom! Device out during class-May be treated as CHEATING! Lunch-Never in Classroom! Device out during class-May be treated as CHEATING! CD Players, IPods, Video Cameras Are Prohibited. CD Players, IPods, Video Cameras Are Prohibited. Ear Buds-Ok to be used during brunch and lunch. Music should not be played so it Ear Buds-Ok to be used during brunch and lunch. Music should not be played so it disrupts others. disrupts others. Consequences include detentions and SWAPS and suspensions for multiple violations Consequences include detentions and SWAPS and suspensions for multiple violations
WE HAVE A DRESS CODE Girls - Full Shirts with Straps. No Stomach Showing. Girls - Full Shirts with Straps. No Stomach Showing. Boys - No Boxers Showing Boys - No Boxers Showing No Headgear. This includes non-DBHS hats and sweatshirt hoods. No Headgear. This includes non-DBHS hats and sweatshirt hoods. No Gang Style No Gang Style
CHEATING Teacher Sends Student To The GLC And Gives Student A Zero. Teacher Sends Student To The GLC And Gives Student A Zero. GLC Places Student On A Cheating Contract. GLC Places Student On A Cheating Contract. Student Given One More Chance. Student Given One More Chance. On Second Offense, Student Is Suspended. May influence recommendations to colleges. On Second Offense, Student Is Suspended. May influence recommendations to colleges. If You Provide Answers To Another Student, You Are Cheating. Copying Homework. If You Provide Answers To Another Student, You Are Cheating. Copying Homework.
SEQUENTIAL DISCIPLINE Detentions – 50 minutes Detentions – 50 minutes SWAPS hours on Saturday SWAPS hours on Saturday STAR – On Campus Suspension STAR – On Campus Suspension Suspension Off Campus Suspension Off Campus
OTHER RULES Respect ALL Adults Respect ALL Adults No Smoking No Smoking Stay Away From Dennys and Chevron After School Stay Away From Dennys and Chevron After School Zero Tolerance For Weapons, Drugs, and Alcohol Zero Tolerance For Weapons, Drugs, and Alcohol
Student Aide/Teacher Aide Find teacher Find teacher Report to Instructional Dean for Integrity/Honesty Paperwork Report to Instructional Dean for Integrity/Honesty Paperwork Inform GLC of the teacher you are a T.A. for ASAP Inform GLC of the teacher you are a T.A. for ASAP Should be done by end of week. Should be done by end of week.
SCHEDULE CHANGES Mistakes To Your Schedule Mistakes To Your Schedule Change requests won’t be looked at until Thursday! Until then, go to classes as agreed upon during registration process! Change requests won’t be looked at until Thursday! Until then, go to classes as agreed upon during registration process! GLC will call you in! GLC will call you in! Time to STEP UP! Time to STEP UP! No Teacher Or Period Changes No Teacher Or Period Changes Dropping Classes Before The 4th Week Dropping Classes Before The 4th Week
Miscellaneous ID/Activity Card-Carry your ID with you at all times while at school or attending a school-event. Limited Day?-Sticker on ID Card and you must show to our Security Staff daily. No Card = No Leaving Early or Consequences-RESPECT SECURITY STAFF Late Start Days-Check your school calendar for late start days.
Miscellaneous Clearing Campus-When your school days is over-Get to your next destination…home, school activity etc. Don’t “Hang Around” Closed Campus College Night-September 11 th at DBHS 7:00 pm
Miscellaneous Communication With Your Parents With Your Teachers With Your GLC “DO YOUR BEST AT ALL TIMES”
College Applications UC/CSU/PRIVATE UC/CSU/PRIVATE Read/Study Packets given to you by GLC during summer meeting! Read/Study Packets given to you by GLC during summer meeting! Good Grades Good Grades Application Workshops Application Workshops Dates to be announced Dates to be announced Lunch Workshops for UC/CSU/Private Lunch Workshops for UC/CSU/Private Dates to be announced Dates to be announced Junior College-January/February Junior College-January/February
Senior Parking Senior Parking in lot is a privilege Senior Parking in lot is a privilege Senior lot is for seniors with a parking decal on car! Senior lot is for seniors with a parking decal on car! See Mrs. Garcia in Guidance Office See Mrs. Garcia in Guidance Office Half of senior parking spots are designated for first come-first park in the morning. Do not save spots or your parking privilege will be revoked. Half of senior parking spots are designated for first come-first park in the morning. Do not save spots or your parking privilege will be revoked.
Senior Parking-continued Half of senior parking spots are Lottery Spots. Put name in lottery at the Senior Parking Lottery table near the main lunch area during lunch through next Wednesday, August 23 rd. Half of senior parking spots are Lottery Spots. Put name in lottery at the Senior Parking Lottery table near the main lunch area during lunch through next Wednesday, August 23 rd. Parking lot decal will be enforced starting next Wednesday, August 29 th Parking lot decal will be enforced starting next Wednesday, August 29 th Be Safe!-Safety Violations=Parking Privilege revoked Be Safe!-Safety Violations=Parking Privilege revoked
Senior Newsletter For Seniors Only Newsletter For Seniors Only Newsletter Distributed every 7-8 weeks in your English course. Distributed every 7-8 weeks in your English course. Updates on application process, scholarship information etc. Updates on application process, scholarship information etc. Please read and share with parents!! Please read and share with parents!!
CHARACTER C=Citizenship H=Honesty A=Accountability R=Responsibility A=Attention to Detail C=Communication T=Think Before You Act E=Empathy R=Respect
Class of 2013 Get Involved and Have A Wonderful Year At DBHS