StatesMapsDictionaryFestivalsLouisiana Charts and Maps
What is Atlanta? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer States for 100 The capitol of Georgia is…
What is 743,074? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer States for 200 The population of Austin is…
What is Jackson, MS? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer States for 300 The smallest populated capitol is…
What is Louisiana? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer States for 400 The first state to enter the Union is …
What is Austin, Texas? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer States for 500 The largest populated capitol is…
What is 4 blocks? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Maps for 100 The number of blocks that would represent the width of the beach.
What is the boat rental? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Maps for 200 This shop is located in the northwest corner of the map.
What is Beach View Drive? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Maps for 300 The entrance to the Aquarium is facing the Beach Walk. The name of the street the entrance is located…
What is the Gift Shop? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Maps for 400 James is at the IMAX Theatre, if he walks three blocks east he is here.
What is north then west? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Maps for 500 Tony leaves the hotel and walks to the boat shop. These are the directions he would travel.
What is pucks? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Dictionary for 100 The plural of the word puck.
What are puck and pulp? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Dictionary for 200 Words that are nouns.
What is prowl? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Dictionary for 300 The word that would complete this sentence. The lion is on the _______. He is hungry.
What is pry? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Dictionary for 400 A nosy person may do this.
What is between prowl and pry? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Dictionary for 500 The word prune would go here.
What is the Frog Festival? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Festivals for 100 This festival is closest to home.
What is the Watermelon Festival? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Festivals for 200 This festival takes place in Farmerville, Louisiana.
What is the Cotton Festival? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Festivals for 300 The festival you would visit if you drove 65 miles.
What are the Cotton Festival and the Frog Festivals? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Festivals for 400 The festivals with rides.
What is the Jazz Festival? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Festivals for 500 If you drove 304 miles you would have visited this festival and drove back home.
What is Iberville and Bienville explored the Mississippi Valley? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Explorers for 100 This is what happened in 1699.
What is 1778? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Explorers for 200 This is when the Hawaiian Islands were explored.
Who was Henry Hudson? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Explorers for 300 The person who discovered New York.
Who was James Cook? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Explorers for 400 Australia was first documented by this person.
Who was Henry Hudson? Click here to continue gameClick here for the answer Explorers for 500 This person has a river named after him.