ISC Conference Inspecting learner involvement in the new inspection framework Kath Townsley HMI Margaret Hobson HMI September 2009
Development work Inspectors will include the views of learners in reports A summary report for learners and other users will form the front part of the report that includes grades, judgements and learner views Providers will be required to ensure this is made available to learners and other users Consultation Links with learner groups- NLP, NUS Focus groups Presentations to NLP Pilot inspections
Before inspections Inspectors will ask providers to inform all learners and employers of the forthcoming inspection Where possible inspectors will discuss the inspection with learner representatives at the planning stage Inspectors will invite learners to provide their views prior to as well as during the inspection or regulation event. Inspectors will ask providers to supply evidence of their learner views and the action they have taken on them, through self-evaluation evidence.
During inspections Learners will be encouraged to inform inspectors of their views on the quality of their experience at the provider using a range of methods including electronic methods (e.g. ) face to face discussions focus groups during and after learning activities
During inspections Inspectors will adopt appropriate strategies to engage with learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, or those who have additional support needs, to ensure appropriate representation of their views Inspectors will actively seek access to additional information on learner views, for example in provider publicity or other documentation
Common Inspection Framework Inspectors will include the views of learners in reports A summary report for learners and other users will form the front part of the report that includes grades, judgements and learner views Providers will be required to ensure this is made available to learners and other users Overall Effectiveness Can be affected by two limiting grades- Safeguarding Equality and Diversity Capacity to Improve
Outcomes for learners, quality of provision, and leadership and management Outcomes for learners including ECM How well do learners achieve and enjoy their learning? How well do learners improve their economic and social well-being through learning and development? Do learners feel safe? Are learners able to make informed choices about their own health and well being? How well do learners make a positive contribution to the community?
Outcomes for learners, quality of provision, and leadership and management Quality of provision How effectively does the provision meet the needs and interests of users? How effectively does the provider use partnerships to develop its provision to meet learners’ needs? How effectively do teaching, training and assessment support learning and development? How effective are the care, guidance and support learners receive in helping them to attain their learning goals?
Outcomes for learners, quality of provision, and leadership and management Leadership and management How effectively do leaders and managers, and where appropriate governors or supervisory bodies, raise expectation and promoting ambition throughout the organisation? How effectively does the provider promote the safeguarding of learners? How effectively does the provider actively promote equality and diversity and tackle discrimination and narrow the achievement gap?
Outcomes for learners, quality of provision, and leadership and management Leadership and management How effectively does the provider engage with users to support and promote improvement? How effectively does self-assessment improve the quality of the provision and outcomes for learners? How efficiently and effectively does the provider use its available resources to secure value for money?
Before inspection How best can learners be prepared? What would the best method of communication be for your learners?
During inspection What can you do to ensure as full an input from learners as possible? What strategies might be most useful?
After inspection How can feedback be disseminated most effectively? How can the outcomes be used to have the greatest impact?
Plenary Questions Further information