Cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc1 Procedures. cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc2 Primitive procedures  etc User-defined procedures –Naming a sequence of operations.


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Presentation transcript:

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc1 Procedures

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc2 Primitive procedures  etc User-defined procedures –Naming a sequence of operations  triple = proc (a) +(a,+(a,a)) –Recursive definitions  exp = proc (x, i) if (i = 0) then 1 else *(x,exp(x,i-1))

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc3 User-defined procedures Concrete Syntax ::= … | ( + ) | proc ::= () | ( {, }* ) Abstract Syntax proc-exp (ids body) app-exp (rator rands) Examples proc (y,z) *(y,5) (f x 5)

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc4 proc main(); int x := 5; proc q(); { x := x + 1;} proc r(); {int x := 0; q(); } { r(); print(x); }. Scoping : Free (non-local) Variables Static scoping x -> x output: 6 Dynamic scoping x -> x output: 5

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc5 let x = 15 in let f = proc () x in ( let x = 8 in (f) ) + (f) Static Scoping x -> x 30 Dynamic Scoping x -> x 23 x -> x

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc6 Informal Semantics of Procedures Procedure Definition Store formal parameters and body Procedure Invocation Evaluate body in an environment that binds formals to actual argument values  Interpretation of free-variables Use env. at proc. creation ( static scoping ) Use env. at proc. call ( dynamic scoping )

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc7 Encoding Procedures Static scoping (define-datatype procval procval? (closure (ids (list-of symbol?)) (body expression?) (env environment?))) Closure retains the bindings of the free variables at procedure creation time. Dynamic scoping (define-datatype procval procval? (procv (ids (list-of symbol?)) (body expression?)))

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc8 Processing Procedure Definitions Static scoping (define (eval-expression exp env) (cases expression exp ( proc-exp (ids body) (closure ids body env)) )) Dynamic scoping (define (eval-expression exp env) (cases expression exp ( proc-exp (ids body) (procv ids body)) ))

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc9 Processing Procedure Invocations Static scoping (define (eval-expression exp env) (cases expression exp... (app-exp (rator rands) (let ((proc (eval-expression rator env)) (args (eval-rands rands env))) (if (procval? proc) (apply-procval proc args) (eopl:error 'eval-expression “Applying non-procedure ~s" proc))) ) ))

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc10 Processing Procedure Invocations Dynamic scoping (define (eval-expression exp env) (cases expression exp (app-exp (rator rands)... (let ((proc (eval-expression rator env)) (args (eval-rands rands env))) (if (procval? proc) (apply-procval proc args env) (eopl:error 'eval-expression "Applying non-procedure ~s" proc))) ) ))

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc11 Processing Procedure Invocations Static scoping (define (apply-procval proc args) (cases procval proc ( closure (ids body s-env) (eval-expression body (extend-env ids args s-env)) ))) Dynamic scoping (define (apply-procval proc args c-env) (cases procval proc ( procv (ids body) (eval-expression body (extend-env ids args c-env)) )))

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc12 Processing Procedure Invocations Static scoping >(run "let x = 1 in let f = proc () x in (f)") 1 >(run "let x = 1 in let f = proc (x) x in (f 2)") 2 >(run "let x = 1 in let f = proc () x x = 5 in (f)") 1 Dynamic scoping >(run "let x = 1 in let f = proc () x x = 5 in (f)") 5

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc13 Alternative Description: Static Scoping (define (closure ids body env) (lambda (args) (eval-expression body (extend-env ids args env)) ) ) (define (apply-procval proc args) (proc args) )

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc14 Implementing Dynamic Scoping The value of variable x is the last value bound to x. => stack discipline Deep binding Use a global stack for all variables Shallow binding Use a separate stack for each variable Implementing recursion is trivial. First LISP evaluator used dynamic scoping by accident!! Meaning of a call depends on the context.

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc15 Pros and cons of scoping rules It is easy to implement recursion in a dynamically scoped language. Historically, LISP uses dynamic scoping. In dynamic scoping, the interpretation of a free variable in a function body can change based on the context (environment) of a call. Renaming a formal parameter in the caller can effect the semantics of a program, if renamed parameter now captures a free variable in the called function. (Locality of formals destroyed.)

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc16 Application of Dynamic Scoping Exception Handling –provide a separate construct in statically scoped language Setting Local Formatting Parameters Input-Output Redirection –avoids passing parameters explicitly through “intermediate” procedures

cs7100(Prasad)L8Proc17 Difference between Scheme and ML > (define x 1) > (define (f) x) > (f) 1 > (define x 2) > (f) 2 > (define (g) x) > x 2 > (g) 2 - val x = 1; - fun f () = x; val f = fn : unit -> int - f (); val it = 1 : int - val x = 2; - f () ; val it = 1 : int - fun g () = x; val g = fn : unit -> int - g (); val it = 2: int