PARENT MEETING MARCH 10, 2015 Hold onto your hats!!! March is a FULL MONTH!
JUST SENIORS Local Scholarship applications are due March 9 th to Ms. Kirby Rotary Scholarship Applications are due March 13 th to Ms. Kirby Please check the school website for new scholarship applications Check your weekly Graduation Invitations will be in soon after Spring Break (2 nd week in April) All Seniors fees are Due by May 1 st so save some of that income tax return! We should be hearing from Northeast about scholarships soon
JUST JUNIORS Junior Guidance has been scheduled for March 12 & 13 and in the B212 for students who DO NOT have US History this semester. Junior Guidance has already started for students who DO have US History this semester. The ACT will be given on April 28 th to all Juniors Start planning your college visits for this summer
** PROM ** You have to have Tee Shirts ordered and paid for by Wednesday, March 11 th - $15 Deadline to sign up for Lead Out is Tuesday, March 16 th NO EXCEPTIONS Lead Out will be filmed and CD’s will be available for purchase from Scottsboro Cable. A photographer will be available starting at 6:45pm. All juniors and seniors should fill out information for prom ticket at Mrs. Robertson’s desk. All seniors come free with a date. Juniors who did not sell 12 magazines owe $65 and their date will be $65. PROM is Saturday, March 21 st. Parents are welcome to come see decorations from 5pm to 7pm only. You will be politely asked to leave at 7pm.
SENIORITIS Definition of SENIORITIS : an ebbing of motivation and effort by school seniors as evidenced by tardiness, absences, and lower gradesseniors