1 MSA Representative Workshop
MSA Representative Workshop Assuring Middle States Quality January 29, 2015 Columbia Union
Presenter Middle States Accreditation Officer Jackie Gilbert
What is Middle States? Regional, National and Internationally recognized school and college accrediting agency – 125 years old 3 Commissions: Higher Education, Secondary and Elementary Serving the middle states region, other US regions and countries abroad
The Middle States Region MSA accredits approximately 3000 schools in nearly 100 countries. Copyright Middle States Association
MSA Accredited schools: Earn national and regional credibility for meeting standards of excellence Enjoy confidence of parents, students and faculty Enhance their public relations MSA Accreditation for Schools
Profile of an Accredited School… 7 Meets the Middle States Standards for Accreditation; Uses its mission as the basis for daily decision-making; Operates in the public interest; Accepts responsibility for the performance of its students; Remains committed to continuous improvement in student learning; Operates in a collegial and collaborative way with all of its stakeholders.
Today’s Agenda Review participants’ experiences with accreditation Compare MSA Standards with AAA expectations Discuss obtaining co-accreditation Identify role and responsibilities of MSA Representative Review scenarios for MSA Standards Discuss MSA accreditation protocols
Experiences with Accreditation What have your experiences been? –At your school –As a member on a team –As a team leader –With another organization's protocol
Obtaining MSA Accreditation Within MSA traditional region –NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD and DC Outside MSA traditional region –NCPSA ( for schools due for re- accreditation this year for schools within their term of accreditation
The Cycle of Accreditation 11 Candidacy Self Study Team Visit Accreditation Action Maintenance
A Representative Designee Promoter Agent Spokesperson Etymology representative (adj.)representative (adj.) "serving to represent," late 14c., from Old French representatif (early 14c.), represent). Meaning "standing for others" is from 1620srepresent
What is the MSA Representative’s role on a SDA team? Team member who represents MSA –Understands MSA Standards and Indicators of Quality –Understands MSA accreditation –Works cooperatively with SDA team member colleagues –May have role as member of SDA team
What are the MSA Representative’s responsibilities on a cooperative team? MSA Representative –Participates in meetings, interviews and discussions –Completes assigned section of SDA report and submits as requested by team leader –***Prepares report of evidence of school’s adherence to MSA standards
Middle States Support Contents of flash drive –Middle States Standards and Indicators (2014) –Decision Making Guide (Appendix N) –MSA Standards Report Template Consultation with MSA personnel
Materials to Assist School’s self study SDA protocol and Standards MSA Standards and Accreditation Actions Booklet Decision-Making Guide Appendix N MSA Representative Standards Report/Checklist
Standards for Accreditation Twelve MSA Standards –Mission –Governance and Leadership –School Improvement Planning –Finances –Facilities –School Organization and Staff Measurement of Organizational Capacity Foundation Standards
Standards for Accreditation Twelve MSA Standards –Health and Safety –Educational Program –Assessment and Evidence of Student Learning –Student Services –Student Life and Student Activities –Information Resources Educational Program, Services, Activities Operational Standards
19 MISSION STANDARD FOR ACCREDITATION The Standard: The school has a clearly written and actively implemented statement of mission that conveys the general and specific purposes of its educational program, expresses expectations for quality, and serves as the basis for daily operational and instructional decision making as well as long-range planning. Stakeholders give input into the development of the school’s mission and understand and accept it. This document is aligned with the community served and is reviewed periodically by stakeholder representatives. Indicators for all schools: 1.1 The school takes steps to ensure that students and their families understand and support the school’s mission. 1.2 The mission is consistent with ethical norms and demonstrates respect for persons of all races, creeds, and cultures. 1.3 The mission is free of contradiction, ambiguity, and excessive abstraction. 1.4 The school implements a system to assess its effectiveness in fulfilling its mission. 1.5 The school’s mission is clearly communicated in its brochures, promotional materials, policy and procedural handbooks, web site, and similar resources.
MSA Standards How are they similar to SDA evaluative criteria? How are they different from SDA evaluative criteria?
MSA Indicators To address particulars of each of the Standards for… –all schools –independent/nonpublic schools –public schools –schools with a central office staff –schools that provide distance education –schools with early age programs –faith-based schools
MSA Indicators For faith-based schools –Mission –Governance and Leadership –School Improvement Planning –Finances –School Organization Staff –Educational Program –Assessment and Evidence of Student Learning –Student Services –Student Life
Assessing the Standards Use self study and “evidence” provided by school and during interviews Use information gleaned in team discussions Refer to the Standards Booklet Record findings in the evidence gathering workbook Ask for additional information when necessary
Meeting the MSA Standards **All standards must be met for a school to be “Accredited” Copyright Middle States Association
Recommendations associated with the Standards Recommendations Monitoring Issues Stipulations Standard is not met
Assessing the Standards Scenario activity: –Governance and Leadership Standard –Finances Standard –Health and Safety Standard –Educational Program Standard High school Early Childhood program –Student Services Standard
Review of MSA Representative’s Report MSA Representative and SDA team reports submitted to MSA Supplemental information may be requested MSA staff completes “staff analysis” report MSA advisory and commission members review analysis and render decision School is notified in writing of status
MSA Accreditation Protocols The school prepares a comprehensive self-study –Examines the present to create a preferred future –Establishes a culture of planning –***Provides evidence of meeting the 12 MSA Standards –Develops a strategic plan mission, beliefs and profile of graduates measureable objectives multi-year action plans
MSA Accreditation Protocols The school hosts a visiting team of peers –3 and 1/2 day visit –4 -15 team members depending on protocol and logistics of school –interviews, review of documents, classroom observations
Copyright Middle States Association The Middle States Protocols… Designing Our Future Excellence by Design for schools or school systems ***Sustaining Excellence One size doesn’t fit all!
What’s new at MSA… New website Sustaining Excellence Research Action Projects Programs of Distinction –Global Literacies Early Childhood Education –MusicVisual Art –Service LearningSTEM –World Languages –21 st Century Skills –School Counseling Copyright Middle States Association
Questions and Answers
Closure - Have we answered the questions? How do we become accredited by MSA? What is my role as the MSA Representative on a SDA team? What are my responsibilities as the MSA Representative?
Thank you for your interest in serving as an MSA Representative 34 We value our partnership!