1 CLARIN - NL Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure for the Humanities and the Social Sciences in the Netherlands.


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Presentation transcript:

1 CLARIN - NL Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure for the Humanities and the Social Sciences in the Netherlands

2 CLARIN-NL Project Project in the Netherlands Aims to play a leading role in the creation of the European CLARIN technical e-Infrastructure Budget: 9.01M Euro Coordinated by Utrecht University >22 participants

3 CLARIN-NL:Infrastructure The CLARIN e-Infrastructure –Will make data and tools on different locations easily accessible via web interfaces and services (CLARIN-portal(s) with intelligent searching, browsing, viewing and querying services) –Will make it possible for non-technical researchers to extract / combine/ enrich data (supported by dissemination and training) –Will make available interoperable data and tools based on existing standards and best pracices

4 CLARIN-NL: For whom? For researchers that work with language data –Humanities Linguistics (broadly construed) Literary and Theatrical Studies Media en Culture History Political Sciences …

5 CLARIN-NL: Why? Excellent research is being carried out in the Humanities but The research potential is underutilized –Many data are not (easily) accessible –Many tools/services can only be used with the help of experts –Many data en tools / services are incompatible Requires ad hoc conversions and tool adaptations: interoperability is required

6 CLARIN-NL: Why? CLARIN-NL aims to create an eScience environment for humanities researchers with –Easy access to data –Availability of intelligent services for data extraction and combination It will lead to new and better ways for carrying out innovative research New research questions can be formulated and addressed Existing reserach questions can be addressed in new ways Multidisciplinary approach to research questions is made easier

7 CLARIN-NL: Relevance for NLP? NLP researchers and developers will provide –Data E.g. richly annotated text corpora –Technologies and applications Possibly rebuilt as web services –Standards and best practices Interoperability will be beneficial for NLP researchers as well (cf. also T4ME Net ORI)

8 CLARIN-NL: Activities Range of subprojects have been initiated –Technical infrastructure implementation –12 small use case projects for demonstrators and data curation –Implementation and testing of Search facilities –Testing CLARIN metadata standard against NL data –Cooperation project with Flanders to make text and speech services available to humanities researchers (literature, archeology, spoken (historical) archives) Consolidate NL position in EU Educational and Training Events Support for events relevant to CLARIN New Call for Proposals will be defined and launched this year (around the summer)

9 CLARIN-NL: More information Leaflet available at CLIN Website: Register on this website to stay informed about new developments CLARIN-NL meeting on Feb 19, 2010 in Utrecht –Several subprojects will present themselves –Presentations on important technical requirements –Presentation on the CLARIN developments in Europe –Registration is still open (via the website)