Finding Money for College Financial Aid and the FAFSA Gary Schindler – Dean of Student Affairs and Financial Aid Director Riverland Commuity College
We will talk about: Types of Aid Available Eligibility Criteria FAFSA overview….How to avoid trouble and assure SPEED in the processing of our financial aid. START YOUR CONVERSATIONS
What is financial aid? Money to HELP Pay for College (Cost of Attendance) Grants – Federal and State Loans – Federal, State, and Private Work-study – Federal, State, and Institutional Scholarships – Local, Regional, State, and National NOTE…#1 source Parent and Student
Who can get federal student aid? U.S. citizen or permanent resident High school graduate/GED holder Eligible degree/certificate program Valid Social Security number Males registered for Selective Service Key to eligibility Income, Assets, Family Size
How much federal student aid can I get? In general, depends on your financial need (eligibility). Financial need determined by Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and cost of attendance (COA) EFC comes from what you report on FAFSA COA is tuition, fees, room and board, transportation, etc. COA – EFC = Financial Need (Eligibility)
Cost of Attendance Two-year public - $5,500 State University - $8,000 University of MN - $14,000 & Private Career Private College/U - $30,000+ Note – Reciprocity (ND, SD, WI)
How much federal student aid can I get? For early estimate, use FAFSA4caster: Go to Enter some financial information Get an estimate
How much state, school, and private scholarship money can I get? Do your research! Ask college financial aid offices High school counselors Free scholarship search at: Minnesota Office of Higher Education
How do I apply for aid? Federal student aid: fill out Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA SM ) at College application: contact financial aid offices at schools you are considering
How do I apply for federal student aid? 1. Get a PIN at Your parent might need a PIN too. Choose your own PIN or let the site choose one for you.
How do I apply for federal student aid? 2. Gather the documents you need to apply. Use FAFSA on the Web Worksheet to prepare your answers. (Get the Worksheet at 2013 taxes Untaxed income docs, retirement contribution docs, child care related payments/receipts
How do I apply for federal student aid? 3. Fill out your FAFSA at Apply on or after January 1 but as early as possible to meet all deadlines.
FAFSA Tips and Trouble Spots Page One: IRS Data Retrieval Do the PIN NOTE – state deadlines Page Two: Citizenship Status Selective Service Dependency
FAFSA Tips and Trouble Spots Page Three – Parent Page Biggest Change – Parent Status Dislocated Worker Tax filing Did anyone….receive? Additional Financials - Subtraction Untaxed Income – Addition Assets
FAFSA Tips and Trouble Spots Page Four – Student Page Ditto Recommendation….file a tax form
Financial Aid – Process Notes 1. FAFSA (Student Dept. of Ed) 2. Data to college 3. Verification – 30% of students (Tracking letters or notices) 4. Award letter (e-services, outline of awards)
Thanks for coming Contact information: Gary Schindler Phone: (507)