SENIOR POLICIES Must check in using Ident A Kid computer Must use online sign in if they are not on campus because they do not have any classes that day Senior Privileges Must have passed all classes in Spring ’15 Must have form signed to flex schedule Must sign in using the off campus sign in when not coming to campus Privilege can be revoked if rules are broken or receive an academic warning letter from an instructor If students are in good academic standing at the end of the high school 9 week period, they will have their privileges reinstated.
ACADEMICS Need 27 High School Credits to graduate Need 65 Credit Hours to receive their Associates degree English IV Requirement = ENG 111, ENG 112, ENG th Year Option Dropping a class is only allowed for administrative reasons If a student drops a class or is dropped from a class by the college, they will receive an “F” for a high school grade and will have to pay for the book for that class.
SENIOR SEMINAR It is an online class designed to help students be successful in their last year. Mostly a checklist of things they should be doing. Will be required to attend a monthly seminar. Service Learning Pass/Fail grading Must meet with their advisor
GRADUATION CONTACT INFORMATION Ms. Parker Make sure s are not in junk/spam!
INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS February – March 2016 Morning Session Mid day Session Evening Session All Seniors MUST attend. Parents strongly encouraged to attend.
IMPORTANT DATES Senior Checklist Items by Thursday, May 12, 2016 Many deadlines before the 12 th as well! Checklists will be the topic of our Informational Meeting Senior Banquet McGill Baptist Church Thursday, May 12 th 7:00PM Graduation Rehearsal Cox Mill High School Friday, May 13 th Time TBD RCCC Graduation Cabarrus Arena and Events Center Friday May 13 h EARLY COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION Cox Mill High School Saturday, May 14 th 11:00AM
COLLEGE GRADUATION Must apply through Ms. Bryant Must request RCCC transcripts to be sent to 4-year institution
SENIOR TRIP Charleston 3 days March Cost approx. $450 New Trip Policy – Each trip will have a specific date at which the student will be responsible for the entire cost of the trip even if they don’t go.
SENIOR MEETINGS Students have signed up for meetings with Ms. Dianetti. Parents are welcomed. If you need to know what time, ask Ms. Dianetti.
APPLYING TO COLLEGE Cabarrus County College Fair – Sept. 30 th at the Cabarrus Arena FAFSA Nights – Nov. 16 & Jan 25 at 6:30 to 7:45 location TBA Spanish speaking – Oct 22 nd College Application Week – Nov. 2-6 High School Transcripts Free if sent through CFNC 3 Free $5 for additional Scholarship Link Senior Info Page Don’t let them procrastinate
CONNECTEDNESS Help your child stay connected to us: Encourage them to participate in activities Make sure they are staying up on information Students have new county s
MEAL BENEFITS Must apply each year Everyone should apply to see if they are eligible If you qualify, your benefits: Free/Reduced meals Waivers on ACT, SAT, College Applications, Access to scholarships If you qualify, benefits to the school: Increased funding