LB145 Sec
Today’s Outline/Announcements Study Notes 6a Due. Take up exam: Thursday – View exam on Friday between 2-4pm in C-4. Field Trip Sign-up. Course Recap – Membranes transport and proteins – How do proteins make energy? How are proteins made? Introduction to DNA Worksheet to follow along with today’s material.
Recap – Membranes and Proteins (Unit 1) What are proteins? Where are proteins made? What happens to them after they are made? What do membrane proteins do?
Recap – Proteins and Energy (Unit 2) What is energy? How is energy made in plants? How is energy made in animals? What role to proteins play in the production of energy?
Fig DNA molecule Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 DNA template strand TRANSCRIPTION TRANSLATION mRNA Protein Codon Amino acid The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
Unit 3 – What Will You Learn? Structure of DNA/RNA. How is DNA replicated? How is RNA made? How is RNA processed? How does RNA make protein? What happens to proteins after they are made?
Structure of DNA and RNA
DNA Factoids Humans have 46 chromosomes. Our 46 chromosomes have 3.2 billion base pairs. 99.9% of your base pair sequence is identical to mine. All living organisms on the planet have DNA. We have ~24,000 genes.
DNA Factoids If stretched end-to-end, the DNA in 1 chromosome would stretch to ~ 2 inches. If tied together and stretched out, all the DNA in 1 cell would stretch to 6 feet! All the DNA in our body, if stretched out, could wrap around the earth 5 million times; it would reach the sun and back 70 times. (50 trillionths of an inch wide)
What is DNA… Campbell 8e, Fig
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3’ carbon 5’ carbon
1 of 4 purines (2 rings) pyrimidines (1 ring)
What is a nucleotide? A molecule with a nitrogenous base, a ribose molecule and one or more phosphate groups.
ATP – Adenosine Triphosphate Campbell 8e Fig. 8.8 High energy bonds! ATP is a type of nucleotide … more specifically: a nucleoside triphosphate (or NTP)
5’ 3’ direction of elongation Nucleotides in DNA are nucleoside monophosphate molecules.
Deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) are bonded to DNA phosphodiester bonds.
Two types of bonds hold DNA together: 1. Phosphodiester 2. Hydrogen bonds
Base Pairing Adenine pairs with Uracil in RNA Purines Pyrimidines
Base Pairing
hydrogen bonds phosphodiester bonds
orials/dna/dnapairs.htm Conceptual design and contents: Eric Martz Original Chime version: Eric Martz Jmol implementation and current design: Angel Herráez Version 4.3, using Jmol 11.4 Offered under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 2.5 License DNA Structure Tutorial
Where is DNA found in Eukaryotes? Campbell 8e, Fig. 6.9b
How is DNA arranged in Eukaryotes?
centromere Short arm Long arm Origins of replication
Eukaryotes: DNA, Chromatin and Chromosomes Campbell 8e, Fig
Fig. 17-3b-3 (b) Eukaryotic cell TRANSCRIPTION Nuclear envelope DNA Pre-mRNA RNA PROCESSING mRNA TRANSLATION Ribosome Polypeptide
Where is DNA found in Prokaryotes? Campbell 8e, Fig. 6.6
Fig. 17-3a-2 (a) Bacterial cell TRANSCRIPTION DNA mRNA TRANSLATION Ribosome Polypeptide
Application Question: Red Blood Cells If you were to study red blood cells you might come across the claim that they have no DNA (or organelles!) – they are essentially membranous sacs filled with a protein called hemoglobin. -Given what you know about the composition of DNA, how could you test this claim. Hint: Hershey and Chase
How could you test whether or not RBCs have DNA?
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Amino Acids vs DNA
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DNA’s structure naturally lends itself to being replicated!!
DNA Strands Are Templates for DNA Synthesis Watson and Crick suggested that the existing strands of DNA served as a template (pattern) for the production of new strands. Biologists then proposed three alternative hypotheses: – Semiconservative replication. – Conservative replication. – Dispersive replication.
The Meselson-Stahl Experiment Meselson and Stahl designed an experiment to provide more information about whether one of these hypotheses was correct.
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Fig A T G C TA TA G C (a) Parent molecule AT GC T A T A GC (c) “Daughter” DNA molecules, each consisting of one parental strand and one new strand (b) Separation of strands A T G C TA TA G C A T G C T A T A G C
DNA Synthesis Requires a Template DNA Strand
For THURSDAY: 1.StudyNotes 6b is due. 2.Take up the exam. 3.Exam viewing: Friday 2-4pm in C-4. 4.Field Trip Sign-up