PROTEIN Macronutrient Made up of amino acids There are 20 different amino acids each with a specific function You need all 20 for healthy growth and repair Some amino acids are made in the body, the rest have to come from the food we eat Those coming from food are called the “essential amino acids”. Adults need 10 essential amino acids, children need 8
Responsible for growth, repair and maintenance of the body. The West and in particular the Northern Hemisphere, consume much more than poorer Third World countries. Protein deficiency diseases (kwashiorkor) are widespread in poor countries. Symptoms of kwashiorkor include apathy, diarrhoea, inactivity, failure to grow, flaky skin, fatty liver, and edema (abnormal accumulation of fluid) of the belly and legs.
Proteins – 5 mins Denaturation – 4 minsHarvard Lecture on Food & Science /Proteins – over an hour but includes cooking demos
PROTEIN You should have AS notes on the sources, functions, effects of deficiency, effects of excess, complementation and biological values.
Research and make notes on: 1.Physical and chemical structure of protein (including amino acids and the formation of polypeptide chains) 2.Nutritional composition of red and white meats, white & oily fish, dairy products, cereal crops, peas, beans (inc soya) nuts and lentils. 3.The effects on proteins of heat, acids and mechanical action Divide the work between you if you would like and I will photocopy your work.