-en Interactive PowerPoint Open the PowerPoint and go to View Slide Show at the top. Look at the –en word and the picture and tell your teacher what is missing! en
-en Interactive PowerPoint Open the PowerPoint and go to View Slide Show at the top. Look at the –en word and the picture and tell your teacher what is missing! en Boys name
-en Interactive PowerPoint Open the PowerPoint and go to View Slide Show at the top. Look at the –en word and the picture and tell your teacher what is missing! en
-en Interactive PowerPoint Open the PowerPoint and go to View Slide Show at the top. Look at the –en word and the picture and tell your teacher what is missing! en Boys name
-en Interactive PowerPoint Open the PowerPoint and go to View Slide Show at the top. Look at the –en word and the picture and tell your teacher what is missing! en
-en Interactive PowerPoint Open the PowerPoint and go to View Slide Show at the top. Look at the –en word and the picture and tell your teacher what is missing! en
-en Interactive PowerPoint Open the PowerPoint and go to View Slide Show at the top. Look at the –en word and the picture and tell your teacher what is missing! en
Lets say the words together now. henhen penpen enten denden KenKen menmen BenBen