Scottish Obstetric Study Day 30th October 2015 Teacher Building, St Enoch's Square Glasgow PROGRAMME 09:00 Registration and Coffee 09:30Welcome Dr Alison Kilpatrick, WoSOA president SESSION 1 Quality Improvement 09:40PROMPT Mr Timothy Draycott, Obstetrics & Gynaecology Consultant, North Bristol NHS Trust 10:20Evidence based language on the labour ward Dr Malcolm Broom, Consultant Anaesthetist, Princess Royal Maternity, Glasgow 10:50Discussion 11:00Coffee & Posters & Exhibitors SESSION 2 Maternal Critical Care 11:20 MCC: Level 2 patients on the labour ward Dr Pamela Johnston, Consultant Anaesthetist,Ninewells, Dundee 12:00MCC: What happens when you need level 3 care? Dr Rupert Gauntlett, Consultant Anaesthetist and Intensivist, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle 12:40Discussion 13:00 Lunch & Posters & Exhibitors SESSION 3 Obstetric Anaesthesia 14:00Making epidurals work Dr Steven Young, Consultant Anaesthetist, Princess Royal Maternity, Glasgow Parallel session Interactive workshops for midwives Obstetric Anaesthetic Fellows, Mrs Pinky Virhia, Lecturer, Practice Development 14:40Pick of the posters Dr Gavin Scott and Dr Ross Junkin, Consultant Anaesthetist, Crosshouse, Ayrshire Dr Kathryn McIntosh, Consultant Anaesthetist, FVRH, Larbert 15:10Discussion, Bursary Winners, Prize presentations 15:20Coffee & Posters & Exhibitors SESSION 4 Debating the controversies 15:40Propofol and rocuronium should replace Thiopentone and Suxamethonium for induction of general anaesthesia for operative delivery For- Dr Andy Clark, Obstetric anaesthetic fellow, WOS Against- Dr Sue Wilkinson, Consultant Anaesthetist, SGUH, Glasgow 16:20Discussion and voting 16:25Closing remarks and feedback Dr Alison Kilpatrick On line registration registration Abstract submissions
Scottish Obstetric Study Day 30th October 2015 Teacher Building, St Enoch's Square Glasgow Online registration and payment via available BOOKING FORM Name……………………………………………..…………… Designation……………………………………… Base Hospital…………………………………… Address………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………… Tel Special dietary requirements………………….. Are you happy for us to contact you via regarding future WOSOA meetings? ☐ Yes ☐ No Study day cost ☐ Consultant / SAS£120 ☐ Trainee£80 ☐ Midwife / ODP / Anaesthetic Nurse£20 or free if abstract accepted Please make Cheques payable to “ West of Scotland Obstetric Anaesthetists” Post or Mrs Susan Hemmens Department of Anaesthetics 2 nd Floor, Walton Building Glasgow Royal Infirmary Glasgow G4 0SF Tel: Send registrations Abstract submissions (deadline 13 th September