Introduction to VB, ASP, COM Presented by Charley Jones The Maxim Group Las Vegas, NV All code samples will be posted to:
Introduction to VB, ASP, COM Shameless Plug: The Maxim Group Since Offices World Wide 6,000+ Consultants Online Training, Tutoring, Support Hourly, Salaried, Full-Time Narc on your friends!?!? (Send us a resume or two!)
Introduction to VB Generates EXE’s, DLL’s… Distribution/Installation Scripts… Concepts Obects Properties Methods
Introduction to VB Integrated Development Environment Compiler Optimizer Debugger Demonstration: Timer App
Introduction to VB Database Access Use the Wizards Demonstration: Author App
Introduction to VB Controlling other apps MS Office Demonstration: Excel Control
Introduction to VB Example to build from: Plus Demonstration: Plus VB
Introduction to ASP An extension of HTML (Vb + HTML) ASP -> IIS -> HTML Web Server interprets ASP pages and produces HTML for display on browser…
Introduction to ASP Example to build from: Plus Demonstration: Plus.ASP
Introduction to ASP PLUS.ASP: + =
Introduction to ASP Making it work! Request Object Demonstration: Plus2.ASP
Introduction to ASP Plus2.ASP: <% A = request("A") B = request("B") C = cint(a) + cint(b) %> "> + "> = ">
Introduction to COM Component Object Model(ing) Replaceable/Reusable (Plugins) Word, Excel, ActiveX User Created 3 rd Party
Introduction to COM Rebuild PLUS as COM: Back to VB Demonstration: PlusObject
Introduction to COM Using a COM object: Back to VB Demonstration: PlusObjectTestVB
Introduction to COM Using COM from ASP: Back to ASP Demonstration: Plus3.ASP
Introduction to COM Plus3.ASP: <% A = request("A") B = request("B") Dim objPlus Set objPlus = Server.CreateObject("PlusObject.Plus") C = objPlus.Plus(cint(A),cint(B)) Set objPlus = Nothing %> "> + "> = ">
VB Resources VB Resources: Hardcopy?? There’s a ton!
VB Resources VB Resources: Carl & Gary’s
VB Resources VB Resources: Microsoft Visual Basic Homepage
ASP Resources The complete and up to date source: Professional Active Server Pages 3.0 Wrox Press ~$60 ASP in a Nutshell O’Reilly ~$30
The Future of VB? Microsoft Visual Introduction to VB, ASP, COM