Verb + DO + to v She readthe letter to all her friends. He sold his old car to one of his neighbours. He still owes a lot of money to the tax office. He won ’ t lend money to anyone. Please pass this note to the man in the corner. He offered drinks to everyone in the bar. They told the news to everyone in the village.
Verb + DO + to v Don ’ t show the letter to nay of your friends. I ‘ ve sent presents to most of my family. They offered the job to Peter. They awarded the first prize to Christina. The prisoner wrote a long letter to the President. They gave quite a lot of publicity to the Minister ’ s speech. He readshis poems to anyone who ’ ll listen. (The) Management has made a new offer to the workers.
Verb + DO + for n I ’ ve bought some chocolate four you. She has make coffee for all of us. She madea new party dress for her youngest daughter Please boil enough rice for ten people. Please leave some of the strawberries for your sister. I ’ ll get what I can for you. Won ’ t you playa Beethoven sonata for me?
Verb + DO + for n We must choose suitable presents for your nephews and nieces. Can you cash this cheque for me? Will you do a favour for a friend of mine? If you ’ re going to the public library, please bring two or three good novels for your mother. Save some of them for me. Please ask Bill to call a taxi for Mrs. Robinson.