WITSML an update Calgary Workshop April 2004
Introduction Vision Reflection Motivation Achievements Activities Plans Expectations Alignment
BP Vision Automation of many manual processes in current Drilling Data workflows –Contractors (Service and Drilling) automatically push data into our corporate data stores –Partners can automatically pull data (Not images) for morning reports into their data stores –Operators can push statutory reporting data for statutory reports –Contractors can share data with one another at the rigsite A single standard to make the vision possible, reducing industry costs
Reflection Celebrate success, and bring that success to a broader community Have clear goals supported by commercial opportunity Be flexible within a framework established over time Use Cross domain expertise, in drilling data, workflow and process offshore and onshore, in contractor and operator communities, in data management, in standards creation, and in cutting edge I.T. Support creativity and continuity in the technical team
Motivation Operators want ….Lower cost, state of the art, fully integrated, interoperable, real time, single data instance, web enabled applications….. WITSML is maturing from an XML definition to a web services standard customised for drilling, using the latest W3C standards such as WSDL, while retaining the batch mode flexibility we need of still being able to exchange data by E Mail or floppy disk. WITS was primarily used for real time data, and early implementations of WITSML mimic that. The real opportunity lies to expand this to include exchange of static objects at a local level.
Achievements Practical use of the early forms of the standard Migration into POSC Release of 1.2 Expansion of the community interested in furthering the standard Recognition / SPE Sustainable format Preparation for the next steps
BP Activities Implement real time data with in UK, Norway, Trinidad and Azerbaijan Promoting small group of vendors and BP operations to work on well paths, (Planning, definitive and statutory), daily reporting and geological data
Plans Promotion internally Practical applications –Support real world use cases –Well Path data, Daily report information from contractors,reporting to partners, reporting to authorities, Mud Log data to corporate data stores Persuasion –Create a healthy financial framework for competitive activity
Expectations Deepen the use of current standard with current vendors Add WITSML server functionality to other apps, and support the use of WITSML for reporting data to non BP organisations Evolve the use of web services as a technology for moving data between drilling apps and other disciplines (Costs (Accounting apps, etc.), HSE, People (Heliseat booking apps) Relationship with SmartFields / xFields / eFields
Align differing XML efforts WITSML 1.2 for wellsite data WellPathML PPDM Well Directional Survey ML “DTSML” – Fibre optic tem. data WellLogML for Well Log Data Exchange LogGraphicsML for log display WellPlotML log presentation US Minerals Management Service reporting Bureau of Land Management reporting Production ML WellSchematicML Equation of state ML POSC Exchange Format ML CDA (UK OOA / DTI initiative) for well headers eBusiness XML standards XML components and objects (Common standards for the above)
What the future needs Enthusiasm for the vision Interested and committed knowledgeable individuals Use cases that add real value that can be quantified to management A spirit of trust and co-operation between commercial competitors Contractual re-enforcement by supply Chain Management in the Operator community Co-Operation between different domains to minimise duplication for similar objects and allow maximum re-use of work already done