The Association of Air Customs Broker, Forwarding & Logistics.


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Presentation transcript:

The Association of Air Customs Broker, Forwarding & Logistics

WACO Wing Take Off Tracing & Tracking Open to the public WACO Wing Link Inhouse System On behalf of the Association may I have pleasure to present Our deep appreciation to give us time to share with you on User’s requirement from this market. Customs broker 529 member, Air Forwarder 949 members. The communication cover 55 Country 293 airport and 1507 office Closing Remarks

The Association of Air Customs Broker, Forwarding & Logistics Comprehensiveness, Transparency, Flexibility and Cooperation effective from Both China & Taiwan 實體管理服務 ( Entity Management Service ) 共同管理服務 ( Common Management Service ) 實體對映 ( Entity Mapping ) 共同資料模式 ( Common Data Model ) 存取服務 ( Access Service ) 2. Trade Facilitation

The Association of Air Customs Broker, Forwarding & Logistics 1.The top 20 members occupation more than 50% of market on and 17 on year of 2007, 2.Combined direct and indirect air destination on export is China, also on No. 2 our supplier on import by air. 3.No matter import and export 11 countries of top 20 at Asia Pacific country. 4.Trade Facilitation & Air Security is hot topic for LSU & LSP to facing on. 5.Valuation Creation is top element to choice out sourcing partner. 6.VMI take care of 955,982 and 1002 supply chain requirement. LSU have to fix the total solution of BOM,MOT, MRP, EMS, CMS and GLS trade requirement. 7. Since the political situation force us no choice have to comply of MC99 and MP4 basic requirement to join the e freight but only modify the law. 8. Comply the WCO e customs 2007,ec Customs UD, frame work of data model LV2, ISO 15400, UNCE ECFACT as well as World Trade Harmonization DOHA 9.The voice from the business point of view, our government have to provide a environment to comply the local Law to meet international requirement, as well as the backup from the techniques & VAN facilitates.. 10.WCO AEO and Safe / TSA Air security all compatible with the EU SAD, the single window is a solution to integrate the requirement with one solution. 11.If the element of Trade facilitation By pass any Any system or channel is not create the valuation, we consider this GAP, have to take out, Web key-in suitable for C2G not B2G, 12.Facing Project A,B,C,D and E, Decision Provider and Our member have good enough knowledge to choice the correct way to go forward and reverse logistics. Closing Remarks

The Association of Air Customs Broker, Forwarding & Logistics

Source : CAA/ROC Raw material, TAFA-R analysis. 941 members on Oct RankGeneral CargoMarket shareGeneral cargoMarket share 142,688, % 40,101, % 224,863, % 32,877, % 323,585, % 21,413, % 420,987, % 20,517, % 518,040, % 16,791, % 617,048, % 16,640, % 714,149, % 15,099, % 813,961, % 13,693, % 913,271, % 13,615, % 1013,224, % 11,101, % 1112,894, % 10,837, % 1210,442, % 10,592, % 139,021, % 10,040, % 148,805, % 8,927, % 158,578, % 7,754, % 168,531, % 7,637, % 177,408, % 6,950, % 187,120, % 6,831, % 196,764, % 6,774, % 206,760, % 6,716, % 51.02% 50.02%

The Association of Air Customs Broker, Forwarding & Logistics Cargo TerminalImportExportTransit Express Imp Express Exp Year-total TACT A00 華儲 187,106,996204,906,540161,458,89216,792,78311,084,767581,349,978 ECT B00 永儲 34,996,897135,711,7474,397,0695,378,0682,527,552183,011,333 GFT C01 遠雄園區 77,686,042142,216,66912,588,21316,881,68611,249,295260,621,905 Evergreen D00 榮儲 117,252,38759,376,171196,360,65513,474,73921,130,976407,594,928 FedEx F00 聯邦 00014,670,62326,787,16241,457,785 UPS U00 優比速 002,196,9454,215,21415,493,08321,905,242 TACT(K.H) 華儲高雄 10,276,47721,553,1421,273,702 33,103,321 Year 2007 Total427,318,799563,764,269378,275,47671,413,11388,272,8351,529,044,492 Year 2006 Total444,506,790605,282,971384,599,38464,795,63080,893,4511,580,103,324 成長率 Ratio-3.87%-6.86%10.21%9.12%-3.23% Physical Air Cargo Terminal Performance 2007 市場供需改變探討: 首因政府影響,政治運作失利,導引台灣在國際公約被排除世界商貿接軌,政治必須與商貿 脫勾為再造關鍵因素與主要趨勢。台灣政治及法律環境的變遷使缺口加深,全球運輸脫離需 求要件,無法滿意決策提供者選擇改變,策略性中間通路商儲存設施及包裝必須缺口填補。 Source : CAA/ROC Raw material, TAFA-R analysis. 941 members on Oct. 2007

The Association of Air Customs Broker, Forwarding & Logistics 國家 Country2007 Rank2007 Year-total2006 Rank2006Year-totalAnnual Rate 美國 U.S.A198,557, ,863, % 大陸 China294,572,381295,742, % 日本 Japan366,350,644365,802, % 香港 Hong Kong460,854,297457,909, % 德國 Germany520,927,460522,352, % 韓國 Korea616,834,531716,827, % 新加坡 Singapore716,289,246618,029, % 英國 England815,013,740815,217, % 泰國 Thailand913,503, ,855, % 荷蘭 Holland1011,684,330914,888, % 盧森堡 Luxemburg1110,070, ,759, % 馬來西亞 Malaysia129,092,285129,290, % 越南 Vietnam137,099,366166,276, % 印度 India146,929,790185,930, % 法國 France156,449,967137,377, % 澳洲 Australia166,439,521146,856, % 義大利 Italy175,571,306176,114, % 印尼 Indonesia185,469,996195,504, % 澳門 Macau194,812,706156,458, % 西班牙 Spain204,507,782233,786, % Source : CAA/ROC Raw material, TAFA-R analysis. 941 members on Oct. 2007

The Association of Air Customs Broker, Forwarding & Logistics 國家 Country2007 Rank2007 Year-total2006 Rank2006Year-totalAnnual Rate 美國 U.S.A198,557, ,863, % 大陸 China294,572,381295,742, % 日本 Japan366,350,644365,802, % 香港 Hong Kong460,854,297457,909, % 德國 Germany520,927,460522,352, % 韓國 Korea616,834,531716,827, % 新加坡 Singapore716,289,246618,029, % 英國 England815,013,740815,217, % 泰國 Thailand913,503, ,855, % 荷蘭 Holland1011,684,330914,888, % 盧森堡 Luxemburg1110,070, ,759, % 馬來西亞 Malaysia129,092,285129,290, % 越南 Vietnam137,099,366166,276, % 印度 India146,929,790185,930, % 法國 France156,449,967137,377, % 澳洲 Australia166,439,521146,856, % 義大利 Italy175,571,306176,114, % 印尼 Indonesia185,469,996195,504, % 澳門 Macau194,812,706156,458, % 西班牙 Spain204,507,782233,786, % Source : CAA/ROC Raw material, TAFA-R analysis. 941 members on Oct. 2007

The Association of Air Customs Broker, Forwarding & Logistics 名次國家 CountryYear 2007 TotalMarket ShareYear 2006 TotalMarket Share 1 日本 Japan103,310, %107,630, % 2 美國 U.S.A66,243, %66,992, % 3 香港 Hong Kong63,524, %59,803, % 4 澳門 Macau29,243, %24,248, % 5 泰國 Thailand19,985, %23,662, % 6 韓國 Korea17,063, %16,685, % 7 盧森堡 Luxemburg14,564, %14,087, % 8 新加坡 Singapore13,457, %14,484, % 9 菲律賓 Philippines11,386, %14,051, % 10 德國 Germany10,073, %10,313, % 11 大陸 China9,971, %10,444, % 12 印尼 Indonesia8,367, %9,089, % 13 馬來西亞 Malaysia8,202, %6,938, % 14 英國 England4,444, %5,482, % 15 荷蘭 Holland4,308, %4,732, % 16 挪威 Norway4,290, %1,694, % 17 義大利 Italy3,361, %3,517, % 18 法國 France2,973, %3,538, % 19 澳洲 Australia2,650, %2,781, % 20 加拿大 Canada2,303, %3,465, % 總計 Total427,318, %444,506, % Source : CAA/ROC Raw material, TAFA-R analysis. 941 members on Oct. 2007

The Association of Air Customs Broker, Forwarding & Logistics Global efforts are underway to secure and ensure the safety of international trade. 1.The World Trade Organization (WTO) has implemented programs to facilitate trade by moving inspection points to the port of export The World Customs Organization (WCO), through the Global Standards for Supply Chain Security initiative, seeks to promote trade by developing standardized guidelines for the rapid clearance of low-risk cross boarder shipment The Smart and Secure Trade (SST) initiative, developed by the Strategic Council on Security Technology (SCST) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), develops technology that tracks goods globally and also generates a chain- of-custody audit trail. 3. Air Safety & Security Reference With Government & International Element – IATA 2007

The Association of Air Customs Broker, Forwarding & Logistics WTO UN/ECFACT ISO TC154 WCO Stakeholder World Trade Organization World Trade Harmonization DOHA UNECE UNECETF EFIFACT SP & DATA YMM&CCTS Recommendations UNXML Models Methodologies Including single window ISO ISO15400 ISO T372 Ebxml United IATA e Freight World Customs Framework of Data modelv2 EC Customs TAXUD e customs 2007 L Human Element S Software L Live ware H Hardware E Environment S = Drills, National Security Program, Emergency Response Plan, etc.; H = Airport Terminal (X-ray machines, EDS, etc.), Aircraft (seats, layouts, etc.); E = The situation in which the L-H-S should function; L = Baggage screener, security guards, airline security personnel, etc.