Lewis Terman Candidate for IEEE 2007 President-Elect Region 10 Meeting Chiang Mai, Thailand 26 March, 2006
Background (I) l 45 year career in industry with IBM l Student Member 1958, M ’61, F ’75 l 3 Years on IEEE Board of Directors TAB VP, Division 1 Director l On TAB almost continually since 1990 President of 2 Societies TAB Treasurer – 2 terms TAB Meetings and Conferences Chair l PSPB Treasurer 2003 l Numerous IEEE and TAB Committees
Background (II) l IEEE Fellow l IEEE Solid-State Circuits Technical Field Award l Member of the US National Academy of Engineering l A President of the IBM Academy of Technology
The IEEE Today – a Snapshot The world’s largest technical professional society l > 30% of the technical publications in the IEEE fields are from the IEEE l Over 1.2 Million articles in IEL; 64 Million downloads in 2005; 6 new pubs in 2005; continuing increase in conferences l Globalization: strong world-wide presence ~ 40% of members reside outside US 311 Sections, 1552 Chapters world-wide > 65% of publication authors from outside US l Solid financial situation CONCLUSION: IEEE has been very successful
But - it is a rapidly changing world… IEEE faces significant challenges in l Membership l Finances l Publications l Education l New technologies l Etc…..
Total IEEE Membership 1963 to 2005 IEEE Student Membership 1963 to 2005 Membership: Growth is from Student Members
Graduating Students Post Graduation Retention Years Since Graduation
Membership: Region 1-6 / Region 7-10 Trend 1995 to 2005
IEEE Student Membership Trend Regions 1-6/Regions to 2005
Society Membership Trend
Key Membership Questions l Perceived value of membership l Reduce cost of entry – minimum to get into IEEE A PROPOSAL: minimum entry cost, pay only for additional services wanted l RAB/TAB collaboration to reach the practitioner at the local level l Responding to new technologies
Finances l The 2001 – 2003 downturn is history (though still a memory!) l Better investment allocation of Reserves l 2005: ~ $26M surplus including market gains l Reserves at an all time high
IEEE Reserves $(Millions) 2005 Forecast did not include market gains Reserves >$160M with gains Note 1: 2005 is based on the October forecast. Note 2: 2006 Budget does not include investment returns. >$160M w. market gains
Sounds good, but….. l With 3% inflation and 3% spending rule, need ~ $10M surplus to break even l Some entities are on trajectory to bankruptcy (especially large societies) l Need to give O/Us incentive to build reserves Now: 1-3% at Reserve/Expense ratio = 50% Add: 5% at 75% ratio, 10% at 100% ratio l Augment existing revenue streams, develop new ones – but IEEE must be driven by more than just revenue/surplus Need a long term financial policy/set of goals
Publications (I) l IEL is a great success Impact on membership? l New publications and conferences important for new technologies Need fast track for new pubs l Must improve timeliness of publication of papers l Need more practically-oriented pubs Use initiative funding for pilots
Publications (II) l THE BIG THREAT: Open Access Potentially life threatening to IEEE l THE BIG OPPORTUNITY: Helping people navigate the mass of information available
Education l Continuing Education is critical l Expert Now an important step forward EAB/TAB/IEEE-USA collaboration l IEEE-USA career support modules another important step forward l United States focus on K-12 pipeline
IEEE Collaboration l In 1990’s – silos l The 2001 downturn brought us together to solve the immediate problems l Now, a new spirit of collaboration and working together on the Board of Directors
Summary: Focus on…. l Membership l Reaching practioners through membership and publications l Agile response to new technologies l Long term financial policy/goals l Continuing education and career support l Fast track for new publications l Cooperation across IEEE