INTRODUCTION Our math program is based on the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs). The SOLs identify math content for essential components of the math curriculum at grades K-5. The six specific content strands include: Number and Number Sense Computation and Estimation Measurement Geometry Probability and Statistics Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
MATH GOALS Todays students require stronger mathematical knowledge and skills to pursue higher education, to compete in a technologically oriented workforce, and to be informed citizens. Arithmetic alone is not enough. Students need to use a variety of methods and tools to compute, including paper and pencil, mental arithmetic, estimation, calculators and computers.
STUDENT GOALS/ PROCESS SKILLS The content of the math SOLs is intended to support these goals: Mathematical Problem Solving Mathematical Communication Mathematical Reasoning Mathematical Connections Mathematical Representations
CURRICULUM GUIDES PACING GUIDES TEXTBOOKS MANIPULATIVES Overhead Manipulative Kit Teacher Resource Kit Textbooks (Investigations – K Math In My World 1-5) Math Van CD Interactive Lesson Planner Test Generator 3-5 Puppets 1-2 Primary Block materials
What a Typical Day Looks Like Kindergarten 1 st -5 th 60 Minutes Total 60 Consecutive Minutes Teacher-Directed Teacher-Directed Student-Directed Student-Directed Centers/Games Centers/Games Journal Writing Journal Writing