Hardware Input and Output Devices
Objectives Discover the need for Input and Output Devices Describe suitable uses of each device
Input or Output? A. Input B. Output C. Input & Output Give a suitable use
Input or Output? A. Input B. Output C. Input & Output Give a suitable use
A. Input B. Output C. Input & Output Give a suitable use Input or Output?
A. Input B. Output C. Input & Output Give a suitable use
A. Input B. Output C. Input & Output Give a suitable use Input or Output?
A. Input B. Output C. Input & Output Give a suitable use Input or Output?
A. Input B. Output C. Input & Output Give a suitable use Input or Output?
A. Input B. Output C. Input & Output Give a suitable use Input or Output?
Radio Frequency IDentification
A. Input B. Output C. Input & Output Give a suitable use Input or Output?
A. Input B. Output C. Input & Output Give a suitable use Input or Output?
Input devices for automation and large volumes Optical Mark Reader Optical Character Reader Magnetic Ink Reader
A. Input B. Output C. Input & Output Give a suitable use Input or Output?
A. Input B. Output C. Input & Output Give a suitable use Input or Output?
A. Input B. Output C. Input & Output Give a suitable use
What Is This?!?
an early printer
Impact Printers Daisywheel Works like a typewriter - bangs a metal imprint against an ink-soaked ribbon Slow, but simple
Impact Printers Dot Matrix Dots instead of letters - can now manage crude drawings Reliable, not easily affected by dust or debris
Small nozzles spray liquid ink - high quality images but ink can smudge Cheap to buy but expensive to replace ink Inkjet Printers
Uses toner instead of ink – fast printing and does not smudge Expensive to buy but cheap to replace toner Laser Printers
Input or Output? A. Input B. Output C. Input & Output Give a suitable use
One or more moving arms draws on the paper Good for drawing patterns or shapes Plotter
Scenario Paulo needs a printer in his pizza restaurant to print customers’ orders. The printouts will be used by the chefs so they know what to prepare. Andrea needs a printer for her new business making cakes. She wants to be able to print a couple of small brochures with pictures of the best ones - the pictures need to be high quality but she won’t be printing hundreds of copies.
Scenario Colin has been asked to buy a printer for ‘Oxygym’. They send a monthly newsletter out to customers as well as leaflets and flyers that are posted up in the reception area. Cheryl is an architect and needs to buy a printer to print out her technical drawings. These printouts will be pretty big, highly detailed and need to be very accurate (scale).
Hardware Input and Output: describe suitable input devices for a wide range of computer controlled situations discuss input and output devices for users with specific needs.