Green Energy Trash to Gas to Electricity Jay Babin OWT Thailand
Trash to Gas to Electricity Use Landfill Gas (LFG) to power an engine to run a generator to produce electricity Electricity can be used “in-house” or sold to the grid More gas produced means more power (potentially) More gas captured means more power Over 1,200 LFG to energy projects world-wide From 0.5 MW to >50 MW
Trash to Gas to Electricity Organic material in landfills will biodegrade. With oxygen present produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and water Without oxygen (anaerobic) produce methane (CH4), CO2, and water Thus need to promote anaerobic biodegradation Couple with enhanced recovery
Sanitary Landfill Leachate mgmt Landfill gas mgmt Stormwater mgmt 4 Source: BAGCHI Waste Management 4
LFG Utilization (Trash to Cash)
Puenta Hills , 50 MW
Trash to Gas to Electricity Landfill gas consists of CH4 (50-60%) CO2 (35-45) and other trace gases (H2S, O2) Must optimize both gas production as well as gas collection Collect the gas (horizontal and/or vertical wells) Pre-treatment (KOP) to remove water Either Flare Further treatment (filters/cooler) then generate electricity
LFG Generation for 3,000 TPD to 2010
LFGE Economics in Thailand Power Pricing -three components: VSPP Standard Pricing: Supply Peak: THB 2.9278/kWh Off-peak: THB 1.1154/kWh assume 2.02 Bt/KWh Ft charge: THB 0.9255/kWh Adder: THB 2.5/kWh Total of 5.4471 Bt/kWh VSPP Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
LFG Economics in Thailand 1 MW/year Electricity produced provides 7,446,000 kWh (assume 85% available) = 40,559,106 THB/year =1,329,806 $US/year @ 30.5 THB/$US
Electricity Revenue (3,000 TPD) Total electricity revenue is $US 140 Million
GHG Revenue 130 m3 of = 1 Tonne of CO2 equivalents GHG income is 46 M $US TOTAL Revenue = 186 M $US
Costs Extremely variable Power costs ~750 K/MW (7.5 M $US) Gas Collection Infrastructure 1 M $US/MW = 10 M $US Infrastructure (compound) cost (~400 K/MW) 4 M $US Labour 1 M $US/year = 22 M $US O&M 1 M $US/year = 22 M $US Total 65.5 M $US Excluding Gas rights (negotiable)
Economics Revenue = 186 M $US Cost = 65.5 M $US Net (excluding gas rights) is 120.5 M $US