Robert Hooke discovers compartments he calls ‘cells’ in cork Anton Van Leeuwenhoek produced microscopes of 200x magnification Robert Brown discovers the nucleus in cells Charles Darwin publishes his theory on evolution Gregor Mendel states that there are units of inheritance (genes) Josef Mengele conducts horrific experiments on twins in Nazi concentration camps to test nature / nurture theories Sex chromosomes discovered (X and Y)
1950/ Rosalind Franklin uses X-ray diffraction to discover crucial keys to the structure of DNA James Watson & Francis Crick create a visual model of DNA First birth using PGD (~200 births using PGD since) First ‘test-tube’ baby produced using IVF Plan to sequence human genome began Dolly the sheep is first mammal to be cloned In US first ‘saviour sibling’ produced using PGD HFEA refuse use of PGD for tissue typing alone
Human Genome project completes draft sequence of DNA HFEA grants first licence to allow scientists to create human stem cells using therapeutic cloning HFEA now allows PGD to be used for tissue matching that will treat sick siblings 2006 ?? Now you have seen the advances made in genetics over the last few hundred years, what do you think will happen in the future? (- think of techniques such as cloning, gene therapy, PGD, stem cells)
student sheet