Deliverable Report on Standards Contribution 2012 CNR-ISTC STLab Aldo Gangemi, CNR-ISTC & Université Paris 13 Luxembourg Final Review, 14/03/2013
(c) Interactive Knowledge Slide 2 Content Update on the status of IKS activities and initiatives aimed at supporting the liaisons of the IKS project with standards bodies and the open source world Interaction with W3C and Apache Description of IKS software contributions that are focused on the implementation of standards
Apache (software federation) Apache is a federation of open source projects, not a standard body –IKS goal is to develop an open source software framework and associated community for guaranteeing the maximum dissemination and adoption of project’s results, and to favor its survival after the duration of the project –The software developed in the first two years of the project was donated to the Apache Software Foundation by IKS under the name of “Stanbol” –A success so far: Stanbol got graduated as full-top Apache project during 2013, with an emerging community forming around Apache Stanbol (c) Interactive Knowledge Slide 3
OASIS (standards body) CMIS –Y1-3: IKS (via SRDC) has contributed to the OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) TC CMIS TC works to standardize a Web services interface specification for greater interoperability of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems –Y4: this experience has impacted on the maintenance and development of IKS software. IKS services comply to the JCR (led by Adobe) and CMIS specifications –CMIS content now portable to RDF (c) Interactive Knowledge Slide 4
W3C (Web standards community) 1/2 4 groups targeted by IKS –Web Schemas TF (via CNR) Vocabulary “collaboration” (esp. mappings): Dublin Core,, DBpedia ontology, etc. –HTML Data TF (via CNR) RDFa 1.1 and Microdata as separate syntaxes, what relationship between the two formats? alternative use cases? How to manage both within a same document?Relevant specially for SEO in IKS (c) Interactive Knowledge Slide 5
W3C (Web standards community) 2/2 –RDF Web Applications WG (via DFKI) Targets the use of RDF for embedding and handling structured data in Web documents. An objective is a RDF API aimed at ECMAScript. Related to IKS VIE –Ontology-lexica CG (via CNR) Aims at a model for dealing with lexicalization and localization of ontologies and data, multilinguality, linguistic datasets, and for hybridizing formal and linguistic semantics. Lexical linked data is a major objective here. Related to LMM, Semion and FrameNet- OWL IKS work by CNR in Y1-3 (c) Interactive Knowledge Slide 6