By: Dario Marotta 10/23/2014 1 ELASTASE A SERINE PROTEASE.


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Presentation transcript:


1. Proteases = Protein  Trypsin  Chymotrypsin  Elastase 2. Pancreatic Lipase = Fat 3. Amylase = Carbohydrates 10/23/ ANATOMY

Composition  Hydrophobic Amino Acids  Glycine, Proline, Alanine, Valine Elastic Properties  Arteries  Lungs  Skin  Ligaments  Bladder 10/23/ ELASTIN

Step 1: Mechaelis Complex  Ser ~195 Hydroxyl Group = Nucleophile  Asp ~119 H-bond to His~57  His ~57 better (proton acceptor) Step 2: Tetrahedral Intermediate  His ~57 Accepts Ser ~195 Hydrogen Step 3: Deacylation  Water = nucleophile  Regenerates the catalytic triad 10/23/ REACTION MECHANISM

10/23/ SERINE PROTEASES Specificity Determines Function Serine Protease specificity is determined by size of binding pocket

DeLano, W.L The PyMOL Molecular Graphics System San Carlos, Ca, USA DeLano Scientific Valine ~190/~216  Isopropyl side chain restricts access  Alanine, Glycine, Valine 10/23/ SPECIFICITY Elastase Binding Pocket  Red = Catalytic Triad  Green = Valine ~190  Grey = Valine ~216


8 ACTIVE SITE Catalytic triad Specificity residues block large side chains

9 ACTIVE SITE Tetrahedral intermediate - ready to leave and regenerate binding pocket residues

Generally not a membrane-bound enzyme, although membrane-bound forms do exist. 10 HYDROPATHY PLOT

10/23/ SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT FEBS Journal Volume 277, Issue 10, pages , 26 APR 2010 DOI: /j x Chymotrypsin-like Serine Proteases  hPR3 ( Human proteinase 3 )  hNE ( Human neutrophil elastase ) Signal peptides: Blue N-terminal peptides: Green C-terminal peptides: Orange Catalytic Triad: Green Stars Glycosylation Sites: Orange Stars A-Helices: Yellow B-Strands: Purple


13 ELASTASE 3B SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT (VARIOUS SPECIES) Conserved Amino Acids His 57, Asp 102, Val 190, Ser 195


His 57, Asp 102, Val 190, Val 216 Ser HUMAN ELASTASE SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT Conserved Amino Acids

10/23/ STRUCTURE MAP FEBS Journal Volume 277, Issue 10, pages , 26 APR 2010 DOI: /j x Catalytic Triad: Green Glycosylation Sites: Orange A-Helices: Yellow B-Strands: Purple

Emphysema Cystic Fibrosis Inflammation Coronary Artery Disease Liver Disease Pancreatitis 10/23/ CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE