My name is Bud. My friend Sprout & I are helping the Detective finds clues to solve the great mysteries of plants. We will need your help in doing experiments, finding clues & solving problems.
To solve Case 1 your goals are to: Identify plant parts Plant part functions How plants grow
CASE BRIEF Key ideas: * Plants made of different parts, each part has a job; parts can help us identify plants
You can eat certain plant parts *You can eat certain plant parts. They are important food sources for both humans and other animals.
7 Basic needs of plants: *temperature *light *water *air *nutrients *time *room to grow
*Plants can be grown both indoors and outdoors for food, shelter, clothing, medicine, energy, and pleasure.
Plant Structure Plants can be either: herbaceous Plants with stems that are usually soft. These stems die back to the ground every year. OR...
woody Stems that are hard and stiff. These stems usually don't die back to the ground during the winter. These are stems we use to make furniture and houses.
Life Cycle A plant's life cycle describes how long a plant lives or how long it takes to grow, flower, and set seed. Plants can be either an annual, perennial, or biennial.
Annual A plant that completes its life cycle in one growing season. It will grow, flower, set seed, and die Examples: marigolds, tomatoes, and petunias.
Examples: daisies, chrysanthemums, and roses. Perennial A plant that lives for 3 or more years. It can grow, flower, and set seed for many years. Examples: daisies, chrysanthemums, and roses. (think bushes!)
Biennial A plant that needs two growing seasons to complete its life cycle. Produces leaves one season, rests in winter and grows flowers & seeds the next season. Examples: parsley, carrots, & foxglove.
Plant Parts - Roots The roots provide support - anchor the plant & absorb water and nutrients needed for growth. I’M A ROOT!
ROOT SYSTEMS Taproot system A root with a few branches that is very thick and swollen. Carrots & potatoes are example.
fibrous root system Some plants have a root system like this. It is a bunch of very fine roots all together. Grass plants have fibrous roots.
Plant Parts - Stems Stems carry water and nutrients taken up by the roots to the leaves. They also provide support. Without stem, there would be nothing to hold up leaves or flowers!
The cells of stems, xylem & phloem are located in long strands called vascular bundles.
xylem cells The cells that do this work are called: The cells that move water in plants.
phloem cells Cells of a plant that move food down the stem to other parts of the plant.
Plant Parts - Leaves Leaves are the food making factories of green plants. Leaves can be simple, made of a single leaf blade OR...
or compound in which the leaf blade is divided into separate leaflets
Joins leaf to main stem
Joins leaf to main stem
Leaf Functions:Leaf cell