There was a battle called the Battle of Vicksburg this was a important part of the civil war. This battle was fought by the South and the North. The south, known as the confederacy seceded away from the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The confederacy decided to form their own country they also decided to live their own way. One thing they allowed was slavery the North, known as the union did not agree with the new nation, so Abraham Lincoln known as our 16 th president decided to stop this madness by trying to convince the south so that he can prevent war. When the confederacy saw a boat with materials on it in the distance they assumed that it was a sign of aggression. As stated in a book called CIVIL WAR STORIES the south reacted to this and fired at fort Sumter until the union surrendered this went on for hours. After the bombing was over crowds came out of their home’s to see the damage. This is how people finally knew how horrible war was.
The Battle of Vicksburg took place in Vicksburg, Mississippi on May 18 th 1863 and ended on July 4 th As stated in CIVIL WAR TRUST, Vicksburg was being invaded because it was a very big area of the northern territory. This battle was very historic because it was one of the turning points to the civil war. It was also a part of the unions success in defeating the south therefore it was a very crucial battle. The Battle of Vicksburg was also the last battle of the civil war. There were 37,402 casualties. As stated in Civil War Stories the union had numerous solders fighting in the battle. So they overtook the south. This information is from the SIEGE OF VICKSBURG.
The officer in charge of the north was Ulysses S. Grant. Ulysses S. Grant was born on April 27 th 1822 and died on July 23 rd He served in the military from 1839 to 1869 he fought for the United States Of America all of his military life. He was a successful general.
The officer in charge of the south was John C. Pemberton. John C. Pemberton was born on August 10 th 1814 and died on July 13 th He served in the military from 1836 to Pemberton fought for the United States Of America for 24 years. When the civil war started he fought for the confederacy.
During the Vicksburg battle, the Union Army came to Vicksburg, Mississippi where the confederacy had a lot of defensive lines. As stated in the Union Army was sent by Abraham Lincoln. Their mission was to gain control of Vicksburg so they can win the war. While, the Union Army was ready to attack the Confederate Army was being led by John C. Pemberton he was in charge of the defensive line trying to hold off the Union Army. Well, what general Pemberton did not know was, he was up against the Union’s greatest army and he had to outsmart their most successful general. General Ulysses S. Grant was that successful general. He was the general to call off the first 2 attacks to weaken the confederacy’s biggest defensive line so it would be an easy fight. They didn’t call him a successful general for nothing, because as stated in the SEIGE OF VICKSBURG he was able to weaken the Confederate Army. When he attacked them they were too weak. The impact of them being too weak was that they were not able to hold off the Union Army therefore the lost the war.
The Vicksburg battle impacted the war because as stated in THE SEIGE OF VICKSBURG it was one of the turning points of the civil war. It also impacted the civil war because this battle took a lot of peoples lives. This battle brought a end to the horrible civil war and it gave us the right to bring slavery to a end. One of the biggest impacts was the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was unified again.
As you can see, the battle of Vicksburg was a very critical battle because it was a big turning point to the civil war. This battle was a very bloody battle there were 37,402 casualties. Stated in the introduction the battle of Vicksburg took place on a summer’s day on May 18 th and ended July 4 th. Stated in VICKSBURG.COM this battle was called the key to winning the civil war. During, the battle of Vicksburg Ulysses S. grant was trying to gain control of Vicksburg. On the other hand John C. Pemberton was trying to defend VICKSBURG. This battle was the last battle of the civil war. So both generals had a chance to history and be a hero for whatever side the were supporting in the civil war. I believe that this information can help every one who wants’ to know about the civil war and how it ended because I was able to get a lot from it and to end on a positive note I can now say that this war has made this nation stronger and that we are up for anything that comes our way.
Ulysses S. Grant [by: Bill Bently] Civil War Stories [author: n/a] SEIGE OF VICKSBURG [organization: Google]