Help you graduate on time. Give a general knowledge of requirements to graduate. ◦ If you have detailed questions I can’t answer, refer to your counselor.
Refer to page 12 of the course description book. course description book You can get tech prep college credit, it is currently free, it transfers to most schools including 4 year schools. College in the high school, page 13. Page 13, Running start.
Classes you are required to take before another class. Open the course description book, refer to page 22.course description book Search for prerequisite to see which classes have prerequisites
With Art, and other classes, if you want to eventually take advanced classes, you need to plan sometimes years ahead, because advanced classes require prior classes.
Open it herehere You need 22 credits to graduate. Each class represents.5 credits. You get 1 elective class per semester as a Freshman. The required classes are listed.
Type your name and date on the form. Put an X on the classes you are going to pass.
Notice the Art and Occupational Credit. Scroll through your course description book to page 35. Notice Personal Finance satisfies.5 credits, fulfilling the requirement for occupational education. Scroll to page 2 of your 4 year plan. Find a course that interests you that satisfies an occupational credit, enter it on a blank line. FYI, while Focus satisfies.5 occupational credit, you still need.5 more.
There are six pathways from page 34 of the course description book: Administration and Sales, Business Operations, Technical, Science and Technology, Arts and Social Services. Pathways are a general area like Sales, instead of automobile sales, to prepare you for a career. Choose a Pathway and enter it and your name and date near the top of page 2 of the 4 year plan.
Find 2 Fine Art classes, include them on blank lines, they start on page 32. Look through the course description book and fill out your remaining classes. Keep in mind if you meet the class requirements and fail some classes, you still have a 22 credit or 44 class requirement. This 4 year plan is an assignment and for your use, it isn’t a promise or contract to take the classes you list.
Save it as period_4YearPlan_Lname, Fname, ex. 5_4YearPlan_Smith, Joe Turn one copy to the Inbox. Save a copy for yourself, print it off and take it home if you want.