Care for the Sick and Dying Chapter 8
Read “A Brighter Life” Page 108
Please Complete the Attitude Survey page 109
Fear of the Sick Millions of people are treated for illness each year Still a great fear of people will illnesses exists Why do these fears exist? How do we overcome these fears?
Stereotypes We often fear what we do not know or understand Such as illness or aging We develop stereotypes Look at the chart on page 110, what stereotypes apply to the groups listed? In your small groups answer the discussion questions below
fears Some fear the space surrounding an ill person Fear illness b/c it is a reminder of death Sickness in not a part of our everyday experience Where do your elderly relatives live? If a member of your family were dying, would you want that person to die at home or in a hospital? Why?
Jesus and the Sick Jesus cared for the sick through tangible action look through the Bible references on page 111
Church History & Care for the Sick Early Christians were so good at caring for the sick that hospitals were abolished The first Christian hospitals were in monasteries In some Monasteries you could find a leoprasum, infirmiry or a pharmacy
The Hospice Movement Hospices were originally guest houses for pilgrims, sponsored by religious communities Today hospices are retreats where the dying can live out their last days
The Church Today Health Care is still important to the Church Today The Catholic Church runs –5,482 hospitals –16,226 dispensaries –857 leprosariums –12,077 homes for the aged Visiting the sick is a Corporal Work of Mercy
Anointing of the Sick People who can receive this sacrament include: –Those whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age. –Those about to undergo surgery because of serious illness. –Elderly people weakened by age, even if no serious illness is present. –Sick children who are sufficiently mature to be comforted by the sacrament.
Read through the info on page 118. Have you ministered in any of these ways? If so journal about your experience. If not choose one and imagine how it would impact you and how it would impact the person you were visiting. Type your answer in your journal.