Created by: Cathy Craft and Kari Egnot Menchville High School
Try darkening(2nd ) the screen first, before replacing the batteries. the screen first, before replacing the batteries.
Press clear.
If you take the square root of a negative number- you get an imaginary number not a real number.
The decimal will not convert to a fraction-use your place value rules to determine your denominator.
You must check the mode that the calculator is in. Your calculator needs to be stage left. Normal should be highlighted instead of scientific.
Change window or zoom out.
Any exponent can be written by ^ and the power. Your calculator can only do 2 without using ^.
A minus sign is an operation and a negative sign is a direction. The calculator KNOWS the difference, do you?
If you are trying to square a number be sure you put parentheses in- your calculator knows its Order of Operations and will do the exponent before the multiplication!
Check your left and right boundaries- be sure you have gone left enough and right enough around the point in which you are looking at! Face your triangles toward each other!
You have asked the calculator to identify a point that does not exist---- NO SOLUTION!
1. Check your Lists to be sure Number of data points match 2. Be sure that the data is being pulled from the right lists
Check matrix dimensions when doing certain operations: addition and subtraction- dimensions must MATCH multiplication- interior dimensions must match
Be sure PLOTS are off when graphing lines Highlight and hit enter to cut on and off!