Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Amber L. Story Deputy Division Director Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences April 29, 2011 NSF CAREER and more: Selecting the right option for you
NSF in a Nutshell Supports BASIC research Discipline-based structure but adaptive Cross-disciplinary mechanisms Uses grant mechanism Independent Agency National Science Board Use of Rotators/IPAs Low overhead; highly automated
What we Support at NSF Social Sciences Behavioral & Cognitive Sciences Chemical sciences Computer and information science Engineering Geological sciences Life sciences Mathematical sciences Physics and astronomy NSF supports basic research across all fields of science, including: NSF does not support applied research, such as: Clinical research Counseling Business Management Social work Practice-oriented professional degree programs or, Classified research
Finding the Right Program Understanding the structure of NSF Explore recent awards at Sign up to get NSF updates, including funding opportunities, by at
National Science Foundation Inspector General National Science Board Director Deputy Director Staff Offices Computer & Information Science & Engineering Engineering Geosciences Mathematics & Physical Sciences Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences Education & Human Resources Budget, Finance & Award Management Information Resource Management Biological Sciences
Directorate FY10 Budget in Millions Biological Sciences$714 Computer & Information Science and Engineering$619 Engineering$744 Geosciences$890 Mathematical & Physical Sciences$1,352 Social Behavioral & Economic Sciences$255 Education & Human Resources$786 Data from FY2010
DirectorateProposalsAwards Funding Rate Biological Sciences % Computer & Information Science and Engineering % Engineering % Geosciences % Mathematical & Physical Sciences % Social Behavioral & Economic Sciences % Education & Human Resources % Data from FY2010
Division of Social and Economic Sciences Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics Directorate for Social,Directorate for Social, Behavioral & Economic SciencesBehavioral & Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Office of Multidisciplinary Activities
Division of Behavioral & Cognitive Sciences Archaeology Cultural Anthropology Physical AnthropologyLinguistics Documenting Endangered Languages Perception, Action & Cognition Cognitive Neuroscience Social Psychology Geography & Regional Science Developmental & Learning Sciences
Pathways to Support and Funding Opportunities Standing Programs Traditional unsolicited proposals CAREER grants Special solicitations Dear Colleague Letter
Pathways to NSF Support CAREER Proposals Available in all NSF programs Eligibility requirements Single scholar award $400,000, 5-years minimum award Three proposals lifetime limit Mid to late July deadline (varies by discipline and year) High Prestige/High Expectations Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)
Directorate Career Proposals Career Awards Funding Rate Biological Sciences % Computer & Information Science and Engineering % Engineering 1, % Geosciences % Mathematical & Physical Sciences % Social Behavioral & Economic Sciences % Education & Human Resources731521% Data from FY2010
Directorate Overall Funding Rate CAREER Funding Rate Biological Sciences17%13% Computer & Information Science and Engineering22%26% Engineering15%14% Geosciences33%27% Mathematical & Physical Sciences26%21% Social Behavioral & Economic Sciences19%16% Education & Human Resources7%21% Data from FY2010
Contact Information CAREER Contacts Each directorate and even some divisions has a point of contact for the CAREER program. These individuals can answer questions about eligibility and the particulars of the program. They are listed at… If however, you have a question about the content of your proposal, the science and its implications, you should contact the program director in charge of the standing program to which you are applying.
Pathways to Support and Funding Opportunities Standing Programs Traditional unsolicited proposals CAREER grants Special solicitations Dear Colleague Letter
Special Solicitations Cross Directorate Activities ADVANCE: Increasing Participation & Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers Integrative Graduate Education and Research Training (IGERT) Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) Research Coordination Networks (RCN) Science and Technology Centers (STC)
Cross Directorate Activities and Opportunities (cont.) Social-Computational Systems (SoCS) Enhancing Access to the Radio Spectrum (EARS) Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems Ecology of Infectious Diseases Virtual Organizations as Sociotechnical Systems (VOSS) Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI) Cyberinfrastructure Training, Education, Advancement, and Mentoring for Our 21st Century Workforce (CI-TEAM) Cyber Learning Transforming Education
Pathways to Support and Funding Opportunities Standing Programs Traditional unsolicited proposals CAREER grants Special solicitations Dear Colleague Letter
Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability (SEES) Dear Colleague Letter (NSF ) Special Solicitations Dimensions of Biodiversity Emphases in ongoing solicitations Partnerships for International Research and Education Research Coordination Networks Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems
CyberInfrastructure Framework for 21 st Century Science and Engineering (CiF21) Dear Colleague Letter (NSF ) Special Solicitations Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation (SI^2) Emphases in ongoing solicitations
Thank you! Please feel free to contact me at… Amber L. Story, Ph.D. Deputy Division Director Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences Directorate of Social, Behavioral, and Cognitive Sciences Voice: (703) Fax: (703)