What to Do When You Are Absent Quick and Easy Procedures to Follow
Try Not to Be Absent! Hate make-up work? Me too! So for both of our sakes, try your best not to be absent in the first place! If you have to go to appointments, ask your parents to schedule them after school if at all possible. When you ARE absent, make sure you bring an excuse in to your homeroom teacher. If you do not bring in a written excuse, the absent will count against you.
Excused Absences: Sickness If you are at home sick, your parent can write a note for that absence. This is acceptable for up to 3 days in a row. For it to be excused, they must list the reason for the absence. For example, “Johnny was out sick Monday, November 3rd because he had a stomach ache.” They must also sign their name on the excuse. Past 3 days of sickness, you must get a note from a doctor for it to be excused. Any absence with a doctor’s note will be excused.
Excused Absences with Prior Permission If your family is going to be out of town, your parent needs to write a note requesting prior permission from the principal for the absence to be excused. Prior permission means get it approved BEFORE your absences, not after. The principal almost always approves absences, but be sure to check with him first! You should request your make-up work before you leave so you can work on it while you are gone.
Unexcused Absences Any absence without a note is UNEXCUSED unless it is school-related. For example, if you are gone on an ABC field trip, you will not need a note. If you have more than 5 unexcused absences or 10 unexcused tardies, you and your parents will be required to go to Early Warning Court. According to state law, if you have 7 unexcused absences, a petition will be filed against your parents.
Absent Folders We will use a folder to collect any papers you miss when you are absent. This folder will sit on your desk for the entire block. At the end of the block, the Teacher’s Assistant will take the papers out of the folders and put them into your numbered folder in the “While You Were Out” bin.
“While You Were Out” Bin YOU are responsible for getting your make-up work from the “While You Were Out” bin when you return from an absence. Do not ask the teacher for your missed work--Get it yourself. Your work will be in a file with your class number on it—for example: B3, F9, M21. ONLY get the work from YOUR folder, no one else’s. If you have questions about make-up work, ask a peer helper BEFORE you ask the teacher. If, for some reason, there is no work in your file, first check with the Teacher’s Assistant. If they do not know, THEN you may see the teacher to find out why. *You will also have to fill out the “I Picked Up My Makeup Work” sheet*
Completing Make-Up Work Make-up work must be completed and turned in within 3 days. If you are out for an extended period of time, you will have 1 additional day per day of absence to get the work completed. For example, if you are out for 3 days, you will have 5 days to complete your missed work (3 days for the 1st day and 1 day for each additional day; 3+1+1=5).
Your grade will be a zero! Missing Assignment Form If you fail to turn in your make-up work, you will have to fill out and sign this form. Your parents will also have to sign it! Your grade will be a zero!