Poetry Review
Miscellaneous Tips Find your learning style and use it to memorize. o If you're visual, make picture notes o If you're auditory, have someone else read it to you or record yourself and play it back. Break the poem into manageable sections, practice starting at different sections
How to Perform: Jigsaw Review In small groups, assign the different components of a successful performance. Components are found here found here Prepare acting skits to demonstrate proper and improper principles from your category
Literary Terms Jigsaw Review Get out copy of poem Number off 1-4 Take turns analyzing each other's poem as a small group based on numbers. When it's your number, we'll use your poem as a model to analyze and discuss the following categories: 1. Tone 2. Imagery 3. Figurative Language 4. Rhythm, Rhyme, and Meter
Notecard Review Get notecard out Partner up Look at notecard Look up and SAY what you remember Look down and review Look up and SAY what you remember Note: You can look down all you want...just don't READ...you're practicing memorizing.
Notecard Review with a Twist Get notecard out Partner up Switch notecards Read notecard line by line After each line, repeat what you heard We're trying to help our auditory learners You can look down all you want...just don't READ...you're practicing memorizing.
Picture Notes Take each line or stanza and turn it into a picture. Make these pictures memorable to you. The wackier the better because it helps your memory. But also make it logical so that you will remember the flow of the poem.
Modernized Version Turn the poem into your own words. Either line by line or in a paragraph, put the poem into words you understand. This will help you as you memorize because you can't memorize something until you know what it's saying.
Ball Game Divide class into two teams Teams line up with notecards into two separate lines Elect team captain One at a time, give team captain your note card Recite the first line If you get it right, you get the chance to shoot the ball. Make it in, get points for team.
After everyone has gone, next round is next stanza or next few lines... You're slowly building up to the entire poem... Questions? Ready...Let's Play!