Methods of practice
When creating a training programme to develop a new skill it is essential to have the correct methods of practice. This will depend on your weakness and your stage of learning.
Gradual build up Whole part whole Repetition Shadowing Pressure training Problem solving Conditioned games
Can be used for complex/dangerous skills. Can be used to practice a game skill. Starting off as a closed practice building up to a game like situation Benefits Able to work through technique in manageable stages Correct each part of technique before progressing Helps build confidence and motivation as a sense of achievement is felt when completing a stage. Information load = kept minimum. Stages can be learned relatively easily.
Usually used by performers with some experience of the activity. Can be used if there is a problem with part of the whole performance. Benefits: Focus on specific area Isolate and practice problem
Movement patterns practiced. Can learn without the distraction of the ball. Benefits: Learn correct technique N o distractions Concentrate on sub-routines
To establish familiarity and consistency. Movement patterns repeated – perform automatically Benefits: Become automatic Learn correct pattern
Make sure repartition takes place. Same movement can take place time and time again Benefits: Useful for developing techniques and court movement. Drills are game like Can practice in open conditions
Ensure consistency when performing under pressure. Game-like situation Pressure similar to game Benefits: Learn to cope with demands of the game. Develop quick reactions. Able to respond to ever changing environment. Game confidence is developed.
Normal rules change allowing practice of weak skill. Benefits: Practice specific skills in game like situations Brings practice and game together
Numbers reduced to encourage success Benefits: Greater involvement More practice More touches of ball
Develop decision making skills. Most commonly used in situations where different options are available. Benefits: Learn to perform most appropriate shots Ability to play tactically Become tactically offensive