DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday March Happy Birthday Mr. Burford!
WE OWN OUR DATA Updated Student Population: 573 Students with Perfect Attendance: 58 Students with >97% Attendance: 288 Students with >92% Attendance: 459 Students with >90% Attendance: 493 High Attendance = High Achievement!
WE OWN OUR DATA Updated Attendance by Cohort Class of 2015 (120 students): 94.35% Class of 2016 (143 students): 94.97% Class of 2017 (140 students): 95.98% Class of 2018 (170 students): 95.05% Clinton High School: (573 students): 95.12% High Attendance = High Achievement! GREAT JOB SOPHOMORES!!!!
WE OWN OUR DATA Updated Attendance by Cohort Class of 2015: 100/120 above 90% Class of 2016: 119/143 above 90% Class of 2017: 125/140 above 90% Class of 2018: 149/170 above 90% CHS: 503/578 above 90% High Attendance = High Achievement! GREAT JOB SOPHOMORES!!!!
ACT Data – Class of 2015 ACT State Average: 21.8 National Average: 21.1 UPDATED: 2/24/15 59 of 131 SENIORS have taken the ACT The scoring range is Composite Score20.95 English20.21 Math20.19 Reading21.67 Science21.67
ACT Data – Class of 2016 ACT State Average: 21.8 National Average: 21.1 UPDATED: 2/24/15 50 of 147 Juniors have taken the ACT The scoring range is Composite Score20.66 English20.28 Math20.22 Reading21.60 Science21.90
Events for Tuesday Spring Meet the Cardinals 6:30 – 8 th Grade Transition Night 6:00
Events for Friday Soccer vs Harrisonville – 5:00 Eldon – 4:30
$35 this week only Yearbook Sales! March On Sale
Tryout Meeting: Wednesday March 4 th 6 p.m. in CHS Commons Tryout Prep Clinic: Tuesday March 10 th 3:30-4:30 in CMS Cafeteria Tryout Week: March 16 th -20 th 3:30-4:30 in CMS Gym
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY HARVESTER’S PERMISSION FORM Due to Mrs. Sadler by Friday, March 20 3:30 p.m.
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Adopt-A-Highway trash pick-up Saturday, March 21 9:00 a.m. Meet behind Verizon Dress appropriately & bring work gloves
To donate, please see Mrs. Howard or bring to the office. Prom Dresses Needed ASAP! Donate to CHS PROM CLOSET! Help others by recycling your old prom dresses! Also need shoes and accessories!
Want to shine like Cinderella on Prom Night? … but not sure how you’ll pay for the dress? Sign up now to attend CHS PROM CLOSET 2015 Wednesday, April 1 st, 3:00-5:00 CHS Commons Come shop for prom dresses at little to NO cost! Please register in the office.
Do you want to be on the YEARBOOK, NEWSPAPER, or CARD-TV staff next year??? See Mrs. Largent in room 210 to apply!!
Sports is a more than wins and losses and while we are committed to helping athletes find opportunities to play sports at the college level, we believe the most important thing is getting a college education. As an organization we are proud to award a $1,000 scholarship to a college student who best represents a true leader in sports and life. We encourage all current or future college students who competed in a sport at the high school level to apply for the College Sports Recruiting Scholarship. The winner will be selected by the CSS Recruiting Scholarship Committee. The details for the contest and eligibility rules are available on our webpage for the contest. College Sports Recruiting Scholarship
SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AT UCM: MoCents is a new online system that makes it easy and convenient for students to apply for all UCM Foundation scholarships. Go to and download the instructions to create your personal account and start applying for hundreds of available scholarships, funded by alumni and friends through their gifts to the UCM Foundation. MoCents replaces the cumbersome paper system that required students to download individual forms or visit specific departments. Through MoCents, students create a personalized account and fill out a one-time application. The system will automatically find all the matches for all scholarships students qualify for based on information they provide, including major/minor, grade point average and financial need.
4-H Service Project 2015 If you have any questions please contact ALEX JONES – Pull Tab Coordinator
CHS 2015 Prom Alice in Wonderland Saturday, May 2, 9 pm - midnight
Juniors: Help build the prom set! Juniors must attend at least 3 after-school work sessions to be eligible to be released from school after 3 rd hour on Friday, May 1 st to help build prom.
Prom Work Sessions Tuesdays from 3-5pm March 17 March 24 March 31 April 14 April 21 April 28
Credit Recovery Mondays and Thursdays 3:10-5:10 Computer Lab 105 Talk to your counselor or Mrs. Guenther if you have any questions
Lunch Accounts Reminder that there is only a $5.00 charge limit on lunch accounts. Any student over the $5.00 limit will be subject to disciplinary measures (including ISS). Absolutely no charging extras or ala’carte.
BREAKFAST at CHS DID YOU KNOW? If you qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch, you also get Free/Reduced Breakfast! If you do not qualify, the reasonable breakfast price is only $1.20! Feed Your Stomachs and Your Brains!
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Seniors Where are you going next year? Please stop by the Guidance Office and sign the clipboard telling us where you are going. We need the information for College Week March
KALEB HIBBS Parents: Deanna and John Hibbs Future Plans: Go to the University of Central Missouri and begin studying my major in Bachelor of Science and Business Administration. There are 10 types of people in this world: Those who understand binary and those who don’t.
Ms. Kara Welch *2 nd year Special Education Teacher *Freshman Class Sponsor *St. Louis Cardinals Baseball Fan *Graduate of Southeast Missouri State University *Favorites: Coffee, Books, Live Music & Traveling “Dreams don’t work unless you do.”----- John C. Maxwell