European Commission Framework 5 Marie Curie Programme RESEARCH AND TRAINING NETWORKS [RTN] Prof R.W. [Bob] Nesbitt Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK European Commission Framework 5 Marie Curie Programme RESEARCH AND TRAINING NETWORKS [RTN] Prof. Robert.W. [Bob] Nesbitt Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK
Prof. Bob Nesbitt, School of Ocean and Earth Science, Southampton Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK
Laser ablation\pit Zircon grain from granitic rock in Zimbabwe. The core is 3.8Ga and the rim is 2.7Ga; determined by U-Pb dating of laser ablated material.
MAGE Network “ Martian Geophysical European Network” The contract is worth 1.29 million Euro. 42 month contract with 9 Partners (including Swiss). Starting date September 2002 Budget for each partner is from 115k to 223k Euro
RESEARCH TRAINING NETWORKS The PRIMARY OBJECTIVE is: to provide training-through-research, especially of YOUNG RESEARCHERS [at pre and post-doc level] within the context of high quality, trans-national collaborative research projects. Community funding is provided primarily for the appointment of Young Researchers, with support for NETWORKING, some overheads and certain direct costs.
Purpose of the Mid-term Review To take stock of progress to date To explore flexibility in the contract To clarify issues [financial, administrative, best working practice, progress with engagement of YR] It is principally an opportunity for the partners, the YR and the Commission Representative to discuss questions or issues that may not be clear from the official documentation.
Mid-Term Review “Unlike presentations made in the context of scientific workshops and international conferences, emphasis should be placed upon: Managerial, Logistical and Other Practical Aspects
Tour de Table Report by the Coordinator on progress with respect to Training, Scientific Programme and Finance. Reports by each of the Partners. RWN meets the Young Researchers. Presentations by Young Researchers Final Round-up Format of MAGE Mid-Term Review
It would be helpful if the YR would include in their presentation (in addition to the science) an account of: Experiences within a given institute. For example the problems you encountered in moving country, language etc Background training: YOUNG RESEARCHERS
How much training you have received within the Network; are there any obvious gaps? Do you feel part of a Network? How you discovered about the Network and your views on the recruitment process : [ In brackets….what you think of the Commission and its programmes!] Young Researchers continued.
YOUNG RESEARCHERS Required to make a final report on their experiences and Invited to fill in a confidential questionnaire (anonymous).
Separate session between Commission Rep, Expert Advisor and Young Scientists to give them a chance to voice concerns which they may not wish to discuss in front of the whole group.
FINAL OUTCOME Commission receives Mid-Term Review prepared by the Network. Commission representative writes report based on the Mid-Term meeting. Based on these reports, the Commission (through the Project Officer, Jean-Bernard Veyret), will write to the Coordinator giving the views of the Commission.
Don’t forget to acknowledge Marie Curie in Publications I would appreciate copies of your P- Point Presentations If you have problems your first point of contact is the coordinator (do NOT contact Brussels directly) I am very happy to assist as an intermediary between Brussels and the network