International HPH Network
HPH World Map N/R Network Individual Member – No network yet 939 members by February 2013
Mission HPH shall work towards incorporating the WHO concepts, values, strategies and standards or indicators of HP into the organizational structure of the H/HS Vision Better health gain through HP for patients, staff and community HPH Constitution O ttawa Charter, Budapest Declaration, Vienna Recommendations, Bangkok Charter and WHO Standards for Health Promotion in Hospitals
Strategy Priorities 2011 – 2013 Growth & Member Care Visibility & Publication Partnerships & Aff. Members Qualitative Growth Action Plan
Feb 2013
HPH Structure General Assembly Governance Board HPH Secretariat WHO CC Vienna WHO CC Copenhagen National/Regional Networks Individual hospitals/health services Task Forces Working Groups
Organizational bodies General Assembly National / Regional HPH Coordinators WHO CC representatives WHO representative (observer) Task Force Leaders Observers from upcoming networks Governance Board 7 elected members (TW, IT, AUS, FIN, EST, ESP) 2 WHO CC representatives (Copenhagen, Vienna) 1 WHO representative
HPH Member Fee/Year 250 Eur per H/HS 150 Eur for new EU countries 150 Eur for Low Middle Income countries (UN List) 100 Eur for least developed countries (UN List)
Migrant-Friendly Health Care (IT) Children & Adolescents (PT/SCOT) Psychiatric Services (D) Tobacco Free United (D) (incl. ENSH participation) Alcohol Intervention (N) HPH and Environment (TW) (incl. HCWH & WHO) Physical Activity (SE) HPH Task Forces
Staff and a Healthy Workplace Patient Safety Non-Hospital Organizations Surgery HPH Working Groups
1988 WHO Project 1997 European Network 2004 Int. HPH Network and Secretariat 2005 Gen Assembly & Governance Board 2008HPH Constitution 2009 HPH Strategy 2010MoU 2011 Sc J Clin HP HPH History
N/R Networks (Corporate members) Minimum 3 hospitals / health services N/R Coordinator and coordinating institution HPH Network Agreement with the HPH Secretariat Individual Member Hospital / HS Signing the HPH Letter of Intent HPH Membership
Commitments Follow the HPH Constitution: Endorse principles of WHO on HPH Intend to implement principles, strategies and policies of HPH Implement HP activities Develop a policy for HP Become smoke-free H/HS Develop and evaluate an HPH action plan Pay annual fee Identify H/HS Coordinator Share information and experiences (nat / intl)
Network Agreement Support mission and purpose At least 3 H/HS Put mission, purpose & objectives of WHO into practice Develop a strategy and action plan for implementation Designate Coord Institution + Coordinator Recruit and approve new member H/HS Collect fees and ensure timely payment Deliver progress reports to Governance Board Rules & functioning approved by members
Activities: WHO / HPH Tools 1.Management policy of HP 2.Patient Assessment 3.Patient Intervention & Info 4.Promoting a healthy workplace 5.Continuity and cooperation HPH HPH DATA Model (St. 2) Doc. HP Activities (St. 3) HPH
Activities: Teaching & Training WHO / HPH Schools HPH in Practice PhD Courses Physicians Diploma Nurses Pre-graduate Courses Master of Clinical Health Promotion (2013) –Lund University –Oslo University –Yang-Ming University –Southern Denmark University –WHO CC Copenhagen
International HPH Conference National and regional conferences, workshops and meetings GA Meeting Staff exchange program WHO Schools (Summer, Autumn, Winter) HPH Newsletter Scientific Journal Exch: knowledge & experience
HPH Library Toolboxes Reporting on progress of Networks & TF Reporting on HP Standards Best practice database (new function) Discussion Forum Project Zones N/R and TF sub-sites News Exchange of knowledge & experience
Is a strong Intl network with effective ID of collaborators and builds on existing knowledge and experience Is a broad framework with technical support, tools, education, teaching, staff exchange and training Helps H&HS go from good practice to best practice based on EVIDENCE Bridges public health and health care and helps improve health in H&HS (and other settings) Is intl joint efforts (research, TFs, WGs, GA etc.) Has a strategic focus on partnerships (already work with WHO, SEEHN, ENSH, HEPA etc.) Welcomes further synergy and collaboration! HPH