Writer’s Workshop Today Target: I will understand The Rule of So What and how it applies to my writing. The Rule of So What. Homework: Study Island Due 10-26
We wrote about A Pebble 2
My bad writing example 1 4 I remember that when I was in fifth grade I got really sick. My throat was raw, and all my joints ached. The family doctor said I had rheumatic fever. I had to stay in bed for six months! I couldn’t walk up and down stairs or even go to the bathroom. When my dad came home from work at night, he’d carry me downstairs so I could watch TV with the rest of the family, then carry me back upstairs at bedtime. Otherwise, it was a long and boring time. All I could do was read. During the six months I had rheumatic fever I practically ate books. I made my poor mother go to the library almost every day for new ones. Finally, the doctor said I could go back to school. It was one of the happiest days of my life, even though I couldn’t do much for awhile.
Writer’s Workshop Time 6 Focus your independent application time to be sure the following is happening: 1. You have a specific “Pebble” topic from your heart map that I have checked. 2. You are working periodically on study island- due Oct 26th