FP7-SPACE: Albert Klein Tank, KNMI WP4 Management, coordination, sustainability
Management structure Albert Klein Tank, KNMI Dale Barker, MO Phil Jones, UEA Roxana Bojariu, NMA-RO Albert Klein Tank, KNMI Karin van der Schaft, KNMI Us
Advisory board 1: André Jol (EEA) 2: Stephan Bojinski (GCOS) 3: ??? (Representative from a national environment agency) Action items: EU-officer to decide on member 3 Coordinator to send official invitation letters
Coordination with key third parties “Key third party participants who have indicated that they strongly endorse the project and with whom special arrangements will be set up (through letters of agreement or memorandums of understanding) include EEA, ECMWF, EUMETNET, and GCOS” Action items: Coordinator to draft letters
Deliverables A total of 9 deliverables are due in the first 12-month period (5 x KNMI, 2 x DWD, 1 x NMA-RO, 1 x MF) Action items: Partners to check the DoW (please inform the Coordinator in an early stage if any difficulties in meeting the deadline are foreseen!)
Who is involved in the project? Separate mailing lists will be set up for: - Those working in the project (based on the current list and the initial list of members specified in the CA) - Financial administrators (based on the forms sent to each partner) - Persons that need to be updated on the project status on a regular basis Action items: Coordinator to set up mailing lists All partners to check lists and send contact details of new staff to coordinator
Gender action plan Action items: All partners to consider gender equality when appointing staff Coordinator to liaise with other projects for gender action plan DoW describes how we will consider gender aspects
Domain European ECV output datasets from EURO4M will cover Europe in its entirety, which implies that they cover at least the NAE reanalyses domain Action items: MO to send exact specifications of NAE domain
Resolution Gridded datasets will be accompanied by a description of grid resolution, associated uncertainties and effective resolution User-driven derived datasets (e.g. for river basins) used in the CIBs or presented as part of the CIBs may be based on higher resolution underlying data Action items: Partners developing CIBs in WP3 will contact WP1 and 2 data providers for user driven data extractions required in the CIBs
Data dissemination to the outside world ECV output datasets from EURO4M (Table B.1.1.a) will be distributed mainly through existing systems (e.g. MARS archive, ECA&D archive, CM-SAF archive), which can be accessed from a dedicated EURO4M web-based data portal A user-driven selection will be made available using more advanced methods (part of CIBs) Action items: KNMI (WP3) to explore the use of OGC webservices, in particular for data that are part of the CIBs
Data requests to the outside world Requests for cooperation on data with institutions outside the EURO4M consortium will be coordinated to avoid scattered and repeated contacts Action items: WP1 and 2 leaders to make an inventory of data requests Coordinator (together with WP leaders) to draft a letter (and liaise with EUMETNET/ECSN where appropriate)
Data exchange within the project Exchange of data within the project is being discussed among the partners directly. There is no central database foreseen. The project website / data portal will “only” provide pointers to and contact points for each ECV dataset delivered in EURO4M. Action items: Partners to contact each other for data requirements
Exchange of meeting presentations All powerpoints of the meeting presentations will be made available from the “partners-only” section of the EURO4M project website Action items: KNMI to post powerpoints on project website
Meetings Next General Assembly (GA) will be held in..., March 2011 (t.b.c.) Before that, smaller WP meetings, workshops, side events, phone conferences will be organised on the initiative of the WP-leaders when needed. The Coordinator and WP-leaders will hold a phone conference after 6 months. Action items: Partner... + Coordinator to explore organising GA in... WP leaders to decide on required additional meetings and inform Coordinator; concrete suggestions are …