Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation, Penang Overview Updated: May 2015 J.M. Tan – MCPF Penang State Liaison Committee Member
Table of Contents MCPF Background / The Beginning MCPF Penang Organizational Structure MCPF Key Objectives MCPF Campaign MCPF National Key Activities MCPF Penang Chapter in Action: Key 2014 Program Highlights
MCPF Background Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation is a Non-Government Organization and was established on January 11th 1993. It is a chapter of the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation (ACPF), which is based in Tokyo, Japan and declared as the first chapter to be established outside Japan. The present patron is the Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Hj Razak. Present chairman is the Minister of Home Affairs, Dato’ Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi with Deputy Chairman position is YDH Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, Inspector-General of Police, Royal Malaysian Police. There are 34 members in the Executive Council of MCPF, which is the highest body in MCPF. These members are prominent figures from both the public and private sectors.
MCPF – The Beginning The launching of the Foundation was officiated by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed who was the first patron of MCPF then. In conjunction with the launching of the Foundation, the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) and UNAFEI jointly organized the Seminar on “Effective Counter measures Against Organized Crime” held between 18th and 21st January 1993. About 200 participants took part in the first seminar.
Chairmanship of MCPF – Malaysian Chapter 1993-1995 YB Dato’ Seri Syed Hamid Albar 1995-1997 YB Dato’ Hj Abang Abu Bakar (Acting Chairman YDH Tan Sri Rahim Noor – IGP) 1997-2004 YB Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak 2004-2008 YB Datuk Dr Maximus J. Ongkili 2008-2009 YB Datuk Seri Hj Mohd Shafie Hj Apdal 2009-2013 YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin Hj Mohd Yassin 2013-present YB Dato’ Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
MCPF – Penang Chapter MCPF-Penang Chapter website: Chairman Dato’ Syed Jaafar Syed Ali Vice-Chairman I SDCP Dato’ Wira Abd Rahim Hj Hanafi Vice-Chairman II Dato’ Haji Osman bin Hussain Secretary ASP Azmi Shukor Treasurer Rahumatullah Ibrahim Committee Member Dato’ K. Pulayantran Committee Member Dato’ Ong Poh Eng Committee Member Prof Madya Dr P Sundramoorthy Committee Member Felix Chuah Gim Chuan Committee Member Major (H) M. Kaleessvaran Committee Member Rosli b. Mohamed Ali Committee Member Johnny Michael Tan Committee Member David Chng Wei Chee Committee Member Choo Eng Hin Committee Member James Mohan a/l G. Ramakrishnan Committee Member Jeffri Jaafar Committee Member Mohd Nizam b. Mohd Noor Committee Member Alex Yeoh Tai Chuan Committee Member Ananda Krishnan Naidu Committee Member Munusamy Muniandy Committee Member Ching Eng Leong Committee Member Harikumar Katherasen MCPF Penang EXCO MCPF Penang SLC Member MCPF Central Council Member MCPF Penang SLC Member
James Mohan a/l G. Ramakrishnan COMMITTEE MEMBER Felix Chuah Gim Chuan Maj. (H) M. Kaleessvaran Rosli b. Mohamed Ali Johnny Michael Tan James Mohan a/l G. Ramakrishnan COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER SDCP Dato’ Wira Abd. Rahim b. Hj. Hanafi Dato’ Haji Osman b. Hussain COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER Mohd Nizam b. Mohd Noor Alex Yeoh Tai Chuan ASP Azmi Shukor Rahumatullah Ibrahim VICE-CHAIRMAN (I) VICE-CHAIRMAN (II) Dato’ Syed Jaafar Syed Ali COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER SECRETARY TREASURER Choo Eng Hin Jeffri b. Jaafar Dato’ Ong Poh Eng Dato’ K. Pulayantran CHAIRMAN Associate Professor Dr. P. Sundramoorthy COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER Ananda Krishnan Naidu David Chng Wei Chee COMMITTEE MEMBER Ching Eng Leong Harikumar Katherasen Munusamy Muniandy COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER
MCPF Key Objectives The primary aim of the Foundation is to promote public awareness and participation in crime prevention effort in tandem with the co-ordinated effort of the government and private organization interested or involved in crime prevention and the criminal justice system in Malaysia. The Foundation shall also contribute to the enhancement of effective measures for crime prevention and the treatment of the offenders by way of survey, research and other programmes on the basis of solidarity and mutual cooperation among persons involved with criminal justice system in countries of the Asian region, thus pursuing the ultimate goal of peace and stability in the region. The Foundation shall provide a forum for the exchange and coordination of ideas, concepts and programs pertaining to crime prevention.
MCPF Key Objectives The Foundation shall encourage extensive citizen and community involvement in the reduction of crime and criminal opportunity. The Foundation shall encourage maximum cooperation between all segments of the criminal justice system in addition to improve communication with all citizen towards the goal of crime reduction. The Foundation shall do all things necessary and proper to promote crime prevention planning and implementation for Malaysian citizens. The Foundation shall receive and administer all funds for the fulfillment of the above objectives for the benefit of all Malaysian irrespective of race, creed and religion.
The MCPF Campaign The programs are aimed at promoting awareness on crime prevention as a way of life. 2008 National Launch by PM – YAB Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi 2009 National Launch by Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia – YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin Enhancement of Crime Prevention Club MCPF & Ministry Of Education and Royal Malaysian Police . Promoting Safe City Initiative in all states MCPF and Ministry of Housing and Local Government. Promoting Crime Prevention Through Environment Design in all local councils. (CPTED) Road Shows – Exhibitions and Distribution of Crime Prevention Pamphlets, Brochures, Articles
MCPF Activities 1. National Launch. The program marked the beginning of an integrated campaign in all states simultaneously. 2. Exhibition Program Exhibition in a selected high volume crowd area consisting of an information booth and daily talk on crime prevention together with small booth outlet catering for supporting exhibitor. Target Group General Public Objective To create awareness while arousing interest and desire to invoke action in crime prevention. 3. Seminars and Talks Educating children about being safe and the need to establish a nationwide programme to promote the education to deter child abuse and kidnapping. Target Group Children Objective Raising awareness among young people as to the cause of crime by reinforcing preventive measures.
MCPF Activities 4. Social Interactions Speaking to civic organization, religious groups, residents association, service club and other group about the problem of burglary by encouraging those attending to host Neighborhood Watch. Target Group Neighborhood Objective Urges neighbor to join with the criminal justice system to help themselves become less vulnerable targets for criminals
“Capturing the Moments…” A Summary of Key MCPF Penang Programs / Activities 2014
MCPF Penang – Key Programs & Activities 2014 Crime Prevention Seminar for the Indian Community Golfathon and Charity Dinner Joint Program on Crime Prevention (MCPF, RMP, State Education Department and USM) RMP Open House – Hari Raya Puasa Farewell Luncheon Talk by ex-Penang CPO / outgoing RMP Director of Crime Prevention and Community Security NBOS-Safecam MOU Signing at Juru Auto City Whitening Black Spot – A Key Crime Prevention Initiative MCPF-OSAC Security Symposium “Message from the Prisons” Program MCPF-RMP Dialogue Session with Penang State OCs Community Outreach Program 2014 – GAMA Penang A Day with the Royal Malaysia Police RMP Penang Excellence Award Night
1. Crime Prevention Seminar for the Indian Community: 11th Jan 2014 Crime Prevention Seminar for the Indian Community – Theme “Youth – Proof Your Potential” at the Dewan Sree Mariamman, Butterworth. Opening / Launching by YDH DCP Dato’ Thaiveegan Arumugam, Deputy CPO, Penang
2. Golfathon & Charity Dinner: 9th March 2014 Fund Raising Golfathon and Charity Dinner: A Sporting Partnership between MCPF Penang, RMP Penang and Penang Golf Club. Officiated by His Excellency, The Governor of Penang.
2. Joint Program on Crime Prevention: 8th April 2014 A Joint Crime Prevention Effort for Secondary Schools of Penang State by MCPF Penang, RMP Penang, Penang State Education Department and Universiti Sains Malaysia. Attended by 900 students and teachers from 116 schools in Penang. Program was officiated by Dato’ Wira Abdul Rahim Hj Hanafi and two prominent speakers addressed issues on juvenile crime and how students and teachers can help to prevent crime.
4. RMP Penang Hari Raya Puasa Open House: 13th Aug 2014 Together in War Against Crime, Together to Celebrate Hari Raya Puasa – RMP HRP Open Day held at the District HQ of Seberang Perai Tengah (SPT).
5. Farewell Luncheon Talk: 18th Aug 2014 By YDH CP Dato’ Sri Ayub Haji Yaakob – Outgoing Director, Crime Prevention and Community Security Department, Royal Malaysia Police. The Distinguished Speaker is the previous CPO of Penang State.
6. NBOS – Safecam MOU Signing: 13th Sept 2014 MCPF Penang invited to MOU Signing of National Blue Ocean Strategy (NBOS) – Safecam partnership between Juru Auto City and PDRM. 1000 CCTV cameras here are now accessible on-line to RMP Penang Contingent HQ in Georgetown.
7. Whitening Black Spot: 1st Nov 2014 Another example of MCPF showing its support to Royal Malaysia Police in one of its key Programs – reaching out to “Hot Spot” Area in a Housing (Flat) Community in Penang’s South-West District.
8. MCPF-OSAC Security Symposium: 6th Nov 2014 A Collaborative Program hosted by Mattel Malaysia, Organized by MCPF Penang and OSAC (Overseas Security Advisory Council, USA) in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy.
9. “Message from the Prisons” Program: 19th Nov 2014 MCPF Penang Co-Sponsors a Key Community Outreach Program by the Prisons Department of Penang to Secondary and Primary School Teachers/Students.
10. Dialog Session: MCPF-PDRM Penang: 19th Nov 2014 MCPF Penang helps to bridge the understanding of the Roles and Responsibilities of MCPF with Royal Malaysia Police Penang State 36 OCs.
11. Community Outreach Program: GAMA Supermarket & Department Store: 7th Dec 2014 MCPF Penang organizes the 4th Event in a continuing Program to reach out to the masses at key Shopping Malls and high population areas. Supported by: Co-Sponsored by:
12. A Day with the Royal Malaysia Police: 17th Dec 2014 A Multi-Event by RMP Penang… From Shopping Complex (Times Square) to Industry (FREPENCA & B.Braun) to a Night at the RMP Marine Base!
13. Excellence Award Night, RMP Penang Contingent: 30th Dec 2014 MCPF Penang is one of many Honorees who were recognized by RMP Penang Contingent for its collaborative, consultative and cooperative support.