Innovation...Discovery...Education…Achievement…Networking Second BoG Meeting of IEEE CPMT in 2004 Report on Global Conferences Ricky Lee VP-Conferences Dallas, Texas, USA November 6, 2004
Innovation...Discovery...Education…Achievement…Networking Outline of Presentation Summary of 2004 Conferences 2004 Winter Highlights Conferences in Japan Asian ECTC European ECTC
Innovation...Discovery...Education…Achievement…Networking Summary of 2004 Conferences Conference TitleTimeLocationSponsorship International IEEE Confer on Asian Green Electronics (AGEC) January 5-9Shenzhen, China20% over IEEE/CPMT 20th Semiconductor Thermal Measurement & Management Symposium (SEMI- THERM) March 9-11San Jose, CA, USA100% 1st International Workshop in Nano Bio-Packaging (NanoBioPack) March 22-23Atlanta, GA, USA50%/50% 5th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED) March 22-24San Jose, CA, USA50%/50% 9th International Symposium & Exhibition on Advanced Packaging Materials March 24-26Atlanta, GA, USA50%/50% 2004 IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference & Workshop (ASMC) May 4-6Boston, MA, USA 25%(CPMT)/25%/ 50% 8th IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects (SPI) May 9-12 Heidelberg, Germany50%/50%
Innovation...Discovery...Education…Achievement…Networking Summary of 2004 Conferences Conference TitleTimeLocationSponsorship 5th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Thermo-mechanical Simulation and Experiments in Micro-Electronics and Micro-Systems EuroSimE May 9-12Brussels, Belgium(semi-Tech) 27th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE) May 13-16Sofia, Bulgaria50%/50% 54th Electronic Components & Technology Conference (ECTC) June 1-4Las Vegas, ND, USA50%/50% 9th Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomenoa in Electronic Systems (ITHERM) June 1-4Las Vegas, ND, USA100% 7th IEEE International Academic Conference on Next Generation Microsystem Packaging Research and Education June 28-30Shanghai, China20% over 100 6th IEEE Conference on High Density Microsystem Design and Packaging and Failure Analysis (HDP) June 30-July 3Shanghai, China20% over th International Electronics Manufacturing Technology Symposium (IEMT, collocated with SEMICON West) July 14-16San Jose, CA, USA50%/50%
Innovation...Discovery...Education…Achievement…Networking Summary of 2004 Conferences Conference TitleTimeLocationSponsorship 2004 Electronics Goes Green (EGG)September 6-8Berlin, Germany(pay service charge) 4th International IEEE Conference on Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics (Polytronic) September 12-15Portland, OR, USA50%/50% 2004 IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts (HOLM) September 20-23Seattle, WA, USA100% 7th VLSI Packaging Workshop of Japan (VLSI) and 2004 Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems (EDAPS) November 30 - December 2 Kyoto, Japan20% over 100/50 6th International Conference on Electronic Materials & Packaging (EMAP) December 5-7Penang, Malaysia20% over 100 6th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC) December 8-10Singapore(pay 20% of surplus) USA: 10, Asia: 6, EU: 4, Total: 20
Innovation...Discovery...Education…Achievement…Networking 2004 Winter Highlights 7 th VLSI Workshop/EDAPS2004, Nov. 30-Dec. 2, Kyoto, Japan 6 th EPTC, Dec. 8-10, Singapore 6 th EMAP, Dec. 5-7, Penang, Malaysia
Innovation...Discovery...Education…Achievement…Networking Conferences in Japan ICEP will pay an administration fee of USD3,000/JPY300,000 to CPMT. SPJWS will pay an administration fee of USD1,000/JPY100,000 to CPMT. VLSI is not settled yet. Polytronics 2006 may be held in Japan.
Innovation...Discovery...Education…Achievement…Networking Asian ECTC 1.The Singapore Rel/CPMT/ED Chapter (the Chapter) welcomes the co-sponsorship of CPMT Society in order to grow the EPTC conference. 2. CPMT Society agrees to make EPTC the most prominent conference in Region 10. CPMT Society will do its best to coordinate other CPMT sponsored conferences in the same Region so that the time conflict with EPTC can be avoided. 3. CPMT Society will publicize and promote EPTC in its websites, newsletters, transactions and brochures without charge. CPMT Society will also assist EPTC in matters such as the Book Broker program, soliciting exhibitors, short course lecturers, keynote speakers, sponsors, participants, papers, etc. 4. The EPTC Organising Committee will have full control in the running of the conference. All final decisions relating to the organisation, budget and expenditure will lie solely with the EPTC Organising Committee. CPMT Society reserves the right to review the budget and to make suggestions. 5. For EPTC2004, the surplus share of CPMT Society shall be 20% of the net surplus of the conference before tax. The publication under the Book Broker program shall be co-sponsored 50%/50% by the CPMT Society and the Chapter. 6. All current and future assets derived from the surplus of EPTC are the property of Singapore Rel/CPMT/ED Chapter. While the CPMT Society may participate in the surplus in the percentage agreed, the ownership of EPTC always rests entirely with the Singapore Rel/CPMT/ED Chapter. 7. No conference seed money will be required of CPMT Society. 8. EPTC will help promote the CPMT Society and its objectives and encourage membership. 9. To avoid a gap, a joint-review should be carried out soon after EPTC2004, to explore a longer term agreement.
Innovation...Discovery...Education…Achievement…Networking European ECTC Background Many small niche microsystems and microelectronics packaging related, financially or technically co-sponsored conferences in Europe: VLSI Workshop, Ireland, Malta, focused on system level packaging Polytronik, Germany, Hungary, France/Schwitzerland focused on materials Micromat, Germany focused on micromaterials Eurosim, France, focused on simulation and modelling SPI, focused on signal propagation on interconnects, IEEE ISSE, focused on microelectronics packaging and education Smart Card Workshop, Berlin Germany Flip-Chip, CSP and Wafer Level Packaging Workshop, Berlin, Germany, on advanced packaging Green Electronics Packaging, Norway focused on Green Electronics Electronics goes green, Germany EMPC (IMAPS, moving location, every 2 years, same topics as ECTC)
Innovation...Discovery...Education…Achievement…Networking Proposal Organization of the conference using the US ECTC conference model Get help on management and administrative infrastructure support from CPMT such as web-based abstract submission system, paper selection system etc. Every other year in September starting from 2006 The conference title is “European ECTC” Financial sponsorship 50%/50% sharing between IEEE CPMT Society and the local organization European ECTC In order to create a cohesive merging place for conference program, exhibition, short courses and workshops and networking in Europe, the following is proposed
European ECTC Organization Steering Committee Executive Committee Advanced Packaging committee Materials and Processing committee Optoelectronics committee Manufacturing Technology committee Microsystems Technology committee Electrical Modelling committee Thermal-Mechanical Modelling comm. Emerging Technologies committee Quality and Reliability comm. Passive Components committee Poster committee Short courses committee
Steering Committee Chair: CPMT President Member: CPMT VP-Conferences Member: Representative of CPMT BOG from Europe No 1 Member: Representative of CPMT BOG from Europe, No 2 Member: Representative of CPMT BOG from Europe, No 3 Member:Last conference chair Functions: Decision about the locations for the next two coming conferences Appointing the next coming assistant program chair Definition of the rules of conference European ECTC
Innovation...Discovery...Education…Achievement…Networking European ECTC 2006 Motion #1: To approve 50% sponsorship of the 1st European ECTC, tentatively scheduled for 5-7 September 2006 at Dresden, Germany General Chair: Klaus-Jürgen Wolter Treasurer: Thomas Zerna Program Chair: Chris Bailey (European-ECTC 2008, London) Assistant Program Chair: Li-Rong Zheng (European-ECTC 2010, Stockholm) Arrangement Chair: Martin Oppermann Short Course Chair: Johann Nicolics Publications Chair: Markus Detert 2006 Executive Committee