1 IPv6 and ETSI : some initiatives Interoperability service manager SEE MORE AT 3 rd IPv6 Interoperability event – Cannes September Reference to IPV6 by committees (e.g. 3GPP) - Interoperability events - IP-T (testing) committee - IPv6 logo programme
2 4 th IPv6 Task Force Meeting IPv6 Roadmap Recommendations Approved recommendations: ….The requirement for IPv6 implies a need for coordinated trials and tests …. – which are more likely to succeed via both harmonisation of standards and readily available interoperability events (such as those offered by ETSI). …. European Industry is called to: … Support and fully participate in interoperability events organised notably by ETSI, … …
3 The ETSI interoperability service: a new permanent service since end Experiment in the period ’99 – 2000 the interest to complement the standardisation works using regular meetings by the organisation of « bake-offs » where participants bring implementations/products; Experiment in the period ’99 – 2000 the interest to complement the standardisation works using regular meetings by the organisation of « bake-offs » where participants bring implementations/products; Confirm at the GA 35, nov. 2000, the interest of such service and create a permanent one: the ETSI Interoperability Service; Confirm at the GA 35, nov. 2000, the interest of such service and create a permanent one: the ETSI Interoperability Service; July 2001: change the name « bake-off », a trade-mark of Pillsbury by « Plugtests » July 2001: change the name « bake-off », a trade-mark of Pillsbury by « Plugtests » End 2002, 600 companies send about 2000 engineers to 26 interoperability events End 2002, 600 companies send about 2000 engineers to 26 interoperability events
4 We organize Plugtests events Plugtests : interoperability tests event where engineers of competing companies get together to test a (draft) standard and their implementations Plugtests : interoperability tests event where engineers of competing companies get together to test a (draft) standard and their implementations Plugtests event: Plugtests event: – open event, I.e. everyone implementing the standard is welcome to participate – closed event, i.e. no sales & marketing representatives, no customers Goal: improving interoperability by enhancing the quality of the specification Goal: improving interoperability by enhancing the quality of the specification Open to all communication standards Open to all communication standards
5 28 ETSI Interoperability events organised (at Jan ’03 ): VoIP Telephony & Multimedia ( 5 events) Bluetooth ( 4) IPv6 (2000, 2001, 2002) Speech Quality (2) OMA SyncML (1+1 in 2002) SIP (2) SCTP/SIGTRAN (3) Smart Card (2) including Javacard Hiperlan2 (2) J2ME (1) – new concept of Virtual interoperability event DSL (1) OMA IMPS (Wireless Village) (1)
6 Plan for 2003 : 15 to 20 2nd Hiperlan2January 2nd Hiperlan2January Lawfull Interception February Lawfull Interception February MPLSFebruary MPLSFebruary SMSMarch or June SMSMarch or June OSA/PARLAYApril OSA/PARLAYApril Remote IPv May Remote IPv May SMSJune if not March SMSJune if not March 3 rd Hiperlan2July 3 rd Hiperlan2July IPsecJuly IPsecJuly 4 th IPv September 4 th IPv September BluetoothSeptember BluetoothSeptember Electronic SignatureOctober Electronic SignatureOctober Smart CardOctober Smart CardOctober J2MEOctober J2MEOctober IPCableNovember IPCableNovember PowerlineNovember PowerlineNovember 3G, OPIUM, DSL, PKI, TETRA, LBS, …To be allocated 3G, OPIUM, DSL, PKI, TETRA, LBS, …To be allocated
8 IPT Group MTS IP Testing group MTS IP Testing group – See Formed in October 2002 Formed in October 2002 – Well supported – Will work on both conformance and interoperability – IPv6 » Scoping phase started (STF236) Finish April 2003 Finish April 2003 Proposal for eEurope 2005 Proposal for eEurope 2005 » Test methods, TPs, Test Suites » close cooperation with IPv6 Forum and 3GPP – SIGTRAN » voluntary work (12 organizations so far) » specifying conformance tests for M3UA and SCT – Others to be defined
9 The IPv6 Ready Logo Programme Laurent Toutain César Viho
10 Why a Logo Programme Avoid confusion in the mind of customers with a unique programme Avoid confusion in the mind of customers with a unique programme Give a strong signal to the market of IPv6 availability Give a strong signal to the market of IPv6 availability Prove the interoperability degree of various IPv6 products Prove the interoperability degree of various IPv6 products Enhance confidence of users that IPv6 is currently operational Enhance confidence of users that IPv6 is currently operational To summarize, this logo programme will contribute to the feeling that IPv6 is available and ready to be used
11 A SMOOTH AND GRADUAL APPROACH Two phases : Two phases : – Short-term period (Bootstrap) » Pragmatic approach » Mainly based on existing interoperability events IPv6 mandatory core protocols and interoperability – Long-term period » Formal approach » Based on requirements issued by the IPv6 Logo Committee (v6LC) product has successfully satisfied strong formal requirements
12 THE IPv6 LOGO PROGRAMME COMMITTEE (v6LC) Giving the right to affix the IPv6 logos for products Giving the right to affix the IPv6 logos for products Composed by 21 persons representative of the expertise of the different main actors involved in IPv6 : members are either equipment vendors, providers, academics, organizations, and test laboratories Composed by 21 persons representative of the expertise of the different main actors involved in IPv6 : members are either equipment vendors, providers, academics, organizations, and test laboratories
13 HOW TO REQUEST AN IPv6 LOGO? Procedures to request will be based on self declaration mode Procedures to request will be based on self declaration mode The IPv6 Logo Committee will define procedures and rules (including application forms) to obtain an IPv6 Logo The IPv6 Logo Committee will define procedures and rules (including application forms) to obtain an IPv6 Logo Companies interested in obtaining an IPv6 logo for a product must contact the v6LC and send the appropriate application forms Companies interested in obtaining an IPv6 logo for a product must contact the v6LC and send the appropriate application forms
14 CONCLUSION -> Come to ETSI World wide interoperability events -> Come to ETSI World wide interoperability events - May remote multi-sites - May remote multi-sites - September Brussels, September Brussels, > Contribute to the work on test specification - > Contribute to the work on test specification coordinate by MTS IPT group coordinate by MTS IPT group > follow up and support the logo programme -> follow up and support the logo programme and the french team INRIA/IRISA/ENST.. and the french team INRIA/IRISA/ENST.. See also See also THANK YOU THANK YOU