Survey Insights Canadian Champions In Training July 23, 2012
Introduction In June 2012, Investors Group commissioned Harris Decima to undertake two online polls. Results of a poll of 183 elite Canadian athletes, “The Stuff of Champions”, was released on July 17, A poll of Canadian parents with children involved in sports “Champions in Training” was released on July 23, The results of the “Champions in Training” survey follow. Survey methodology: The poll was conducted by Harris/Decima between June 25 and July 1 for a total of 1,003 completed surveys. Data were weighted by age, regional and gender to reflect census profile.
Key Findings A majority (75%) of Canadian parents with children in sports are investing time and money to foster leadership qualities, discipline and team building skills. 56% of parents with children involved in athletic activities have two or more kids in sports. Time and money are the greatest contributors to stress for parents with children involved in athletic activities. Canadian parents invest an average of $1,658 per year in their children’s athletic pursuits. On average, parents who have children participating in athletic activities spend 15 hours per month helping.
Number of Children Participating In Recreational/Competitive Sports 56% of parents with children in sports have two or more involved in athletic activities Note: Of 1003 surveys completed, 558 participants indicated they had children currently engaged in organized athletics.
Most Stressful Aspect of Your Children's Athletic Activities Having kids in sports demands time and money
Why Do You Invest Time/$ in Your Children's Athletics? A majority of Canadian parents cite character development as the main incentive of athletics – though many believe they are fostering a recognized talent.
Hours/Month Spent Helping Children Parents nation-wide spend on average 15hrs/month on non-monetary support helping out.
$/Year Spent on Children's Athletics Canadian parents invest an average of $1,658 per year in their children’s athletic pursuits.
% of Income Lost From Time Off Work For Children's Athletics More than a quarter of households surveyed are losing some portion of potential earnings as a result of time spent on their children’s athletic endeavors.
$ Used For Children's Athletics Is: Despite the earnings spent and foregone, a significant majority of athletes’ parents see athletics spending as a parental responsibility.
Regional Highlights
Why Do You Invest Time/$ in Your Children's Athletics? Ontario parents are more likely to say their children involved in athletics have special talents or skills BC parents anticipate financial advantages from their children’s involvement in sports - more so than other regions. Atlantic Canadians indicate less interest in elite athletics, viewing athletics as a social experience rather than a developmental tool. Question asked - responses expressed express as % National Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies BC Sports Help Develop Character75%70%74%75%77%74% Child Has a Talent That Should be Developed 31%20%33%35%27%32% Children's’ Friends are Involved in Activities 21%26%23%19%17%23% Anticipate Financial Advantages 6% 4%6%4%8% Need For Supervised After-School Activities 3%4%5%4%2%1% Legend: grey express lowest, blue express highest
Hours/Month Spent Helping Child By Region BC and Prairie parents spend the most time on average volunteering to help.
Average Amount ($/Year) Spent on Children’s Athletics Parents in BC spend 124% of the national average in terms of children’s athletics. The Atlantic provinces spend 65% of the national average.
What Sacrifices Have You Made to Fund Your Children’s Athletics? Families in the Prairie provinces are most likely to say they have sacrificed personal expenditures on shopping, entertainment or family vacations.