1. Objective (READ) SWBAT describe the effects of the shrinking Aral Sea. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) 1. What is wrong with the Volga River? 2. CLASSROOM PROCEDURES REVIEW – What is the conversation level during teacher instruction?
ConversationYes, whisper, to help kids HelpNO Orso, notebook, text, other kids Activity1.Question of the Day 2.Answer focus q’s (3 mins) MovementYes, get notebook as you enter No, use hand signals ParticipationRight = sitting, writing, helping Wrong = no binder, no Q of Day Activity WARM-UP
ConversationNone, raise a hand to speak, write comments in the margin to say during a commercial break HelpRaise hand, notebook, text, NO other kids ActivityTaking notes, hearing directions, explaining info, important news MovementNO, no bathroom during TI YES, hand signal for pencil ParticipationRight = silent, writing, awake Wrong = talking, not writing Activity TEACHER INSTRUCTION (TI)
ConversationYes, whisper, to help kids, be on task HelpOrso, notebook, text, other kids ActivityViewing websites, creating products MovementYes, get laptop when approved No, use hand signals after seated ParticipationRight = typing, writing, helping Wrong = anything other than what is assigned Activity LAPTOPS
ConversationYes, whisper, to YOUR GROUP, be on task HelpOrso, notebook, text, group members ActivityCreating products MovementYes, to get with group, desk olympics No, use hand signals after seated ParticipationRight = whispering, working, helping Wrong = talking to other groups, not participating, not helping Activity GROUPS
Table of Contents DateTitleLesson # 11/16European Union38 11/18EU DBQ39 **RUSSIA (EURASIA) UNIT** 11/23Cover Page40 11/24Cut-Away Boxes41 11/30Human-Environment Interaction Go to the next fresh page. 2. Write the title “HEI”
Case Study #2 – Aral Sea Note: You must be logged- in as a student today. Admin will not work.
Introduction The Soviet Union did not have enough food or industries for its population. Question - How could they use farms to fix both? COPY WHAT’S IN THE BOX
Collective Farms The Soviet Union created collective farms to increase food production and clothing production. –Food production grow wheat –Clothing production grow cotton COPY WHAT’S IN THE BOX
Clip – The Aral Sea Questions 1. Why is the Aral Sea drying up? 2. How is the shrinking of the Aral Sea affecting the people who live nearby?
HEI IssueCausesEffects Create this chart in your notebook and complete each column. Aral Sea - shrinking
Cause #1 - Irrigation Program and Diverting Rivers The Aral Sea The government diverted water from the Amu Dayra and Syr Dayra Rivers to irrigate wheat and cotton fields. READ ONLY
HEI IssueCausesEffects 1. Soviet Union diverted (moved) the Amu Dayra and Syr Dayra rivers to irrigate cotton and wheat fields. Aral Sea - shrinking
Effects: The rivers dried up so the Aral Sea began to shrink. Land that used to be underwater turned to desert. This left behind massive salt residue and caused desertification. READ ONLY
HEI IssueCausesEffects 1. Soviet Union diverted (moved) the Amu Dayra and Syr Dayra rivers to irrigate cotton and wheat fields. 1. Aral Sea is disappearing. 2. Desertification Aral Sea - shrinking
Health Effects Wind blows the salt mixed with chemicals creating many health problems. Problems from polluted sand: blood disease, asthma, lung and throat cancer. Problems from polluted water supply: Tuberculosis, cholera READ ONLY
HEI IssueCausesEffects 1. Soviet Union diverted (moved) the Amu Dayra and Syr Dayra rivers to irrigate cotton and wheat fields. 1. Aral Sea is disappearing. 2. Desertification 3. Polluted sand and water supply causes health problems. Create this chart in your notebook and complete each column. Aral Sea - shrinking
Directions: In your notebook, complete the Frayer Model below. DESERTIFICATION 2. Definition spread of the desert. 3. How does desertification affect the people living near the Aral Sea? 4. Sketch
Google Earth Tour 1. On the wiki or in the S:) drive open the google earth tour. –Open Google Earth, it is on the novell window that pops up after your computer logs on. –Go to S:) Student – Student Read Only – Orso – aralseamine.kmz 2. Click on the thumbtacks and zoom in on the screen. Click on the little blue squares to see the pictures. 3. After viewing the images along the tour, write a paragraph answering the prompt below. PROMPT: The rapid industrialization of the Soviet Union was worth it. - Explain whether you agree or disagree with this statement. - Support your answer with at least two reasons.
Conclusion IssueCauses (draw 3 pictures) Effects (draw 3 pictures) Solutions