Prabjot Pandher
Age Limit: 25 Must be a GA citizen for at least 2 years Must be a legal resident of the representing district for at least 1 year Must be an U.S. citizen Qualifications for Senate
Age Limit: 21 Must be a GA citizen for at least 2 years Must be a legal resident of the representing district for at least 1 year Must be an U.S. citizen Qualifications for House of Representatives
The President of the Senate is the Lieutenant Governor. Also called the President Pro Tempore. He/she is a member of the majority party. He/she decides what should be debated in the Senate. He/she chooses & appoints Committee Chairs. Senate Leadership David Shafer. President Pro Tempore of the GA Senate.
Speaker of the House He/she is a member of the Majority party. He/she decides what should be debated in the House. He/she chooses & appoints Committee Chairs. House of Representatives Leadership David Ralston. Speaker of the House of the GA House of Representatives.
2 years = 1 term There is no limit on the number of terms a senator or representative serves. Term
Held every 2 years Occurs in November of even-numbered years Elected by Georgia voters The Senate and the House of Representatives is up for election or reelection at the same time. Elections
One of the most important duties of the GA General Assembly is to make Georgia’s laws and pass Georgia’s budget. The General Assembly is also required to finish business by midnight on the 40 th legislative day. This is called Final Adjournment OR Sine Die. Duties
There are 2 types of Committees; Standing & Interim. Standing: A legislative committee that is present, year to year. Interim: A group of legislators who study issues in between legislative sessions. Each Committee has it’s own chairperson. Committee Chairs are appointed by the Speaker of the House & the President of the Senate. Committee Chairs decide when the committee will meet, when legislature will be discussed & when the committee will vote. Committee System
Step 1 (Drafting): Legislators write the text of the bill with the help of lawyers from the office of Legislative Council. Step 2 (Introduction): Bill is copied & introduced to the house the legislator serves in. Step 3 (Committee Consideration): The bill is submitted to committees to be studied. The Committees may do any of the following. Recommend “Do Not Pass” Stamp Recommend “Do Pass” Stamp Recommend “Do Pass by Substitute” Stamp Recommend “Do Pass with Amendments” Stamp If they do not do the above, they may also HOLD the bill. Process of a Bill to a Law
Step 4 (Floor Consideration): Legislatures debate & vote on the bill. A majority vote (Half of House+1) is needed to pass the bill. House of Representatives: 91 votes out of 180 Senate: 29 votes out of 56 Step 5 (Governor Consideration): The bill is sent to the governor. He/she may do any of the following. Sign the Bill & Pass it Veto the Bill; If done, then the bill is sent back for a 2 / 3 vote The governor may also do nothing. If so, after 40 days the bill becomes a law. Process of a Bill to a Law continued…
Georgia Family Connection Partnership. (n.d.). Retrieved April 28, 2014, from Georgia General Assembly. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2014, from New Georgia Encyclopedia. (2004, February 12). Retrieved April 28, 2014, from assembly Works Cited